Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 29 Sep 2021


What is the meaning of Digambara?

[Ms. Laxmi Thrylokya asked: In the last Satsanga, You told that naked (Digambara) means invisible status of unimaginable God or Maayaa due to the unimaginable being invisible. Please clarify this to more extent.]

Swami Replied:- A naked man or woman can see himself or herself in bathroom while taking bath. Similarly, unimaginable God or unimaginable power called Maayaa can only know Himself or Herself. When the bath is over, the man or woman comes out of the bathroom covered by cloths and not naked. Similarly, unimaginable God or unimaginable Maayaa can be seen by souls with covered media only and not in non-mediated naked state. The word naked means the original status. If we say that a point is naked truth, it means that the point is exactly and originally true and this does not mean that the point is without cloths. There is a famous story that God Datta came out of a lake for the waiting Sages in naked state embraced by naked lady.

The word naked here means the original state of unimaginable God and unimaginable Maayaa (Both God and Maayaa are invisible since both are unimaginable items. In fact, both are one and the same only and the one unimaginable God or unimaginable Maayaa is told as two based on the worldly concept of possessor of power and power. Embracement between both means that both can’t be isolated from each other.). If they are invisible, how they knew that both came out in naked condition? Both are unimaginable and hence, both are invariably invisible or naked. But, the existence of unimaginable item can be known through inference just like the existence of unimaginable God is detected through the existence of unimaginable miracles. The miracle in this context was that the Sages felt the existence of both ParaBrahman and Maayaa even though both are invisible. Such experience of Sages is explained in this story as the existence of naked Datta embracing naked Maayaa. The internal essence of any story shall be taken and not the external meanings of the words used.
