Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 02 Sep 2022


What is the meaning of my dream?

[Shri Guna from Bali sent this question through Shri Phani: Hello Sir. I got a dream yesterday, in which Shri Satya Sai Baba and Shri Phani came to my house and talked to me. At that dream Shri Bhagawan asked me to buy candy (something sweet). Until now, I don’t understand what the meaning of the command of Shri Bhagawan is. Shri Phani in that dream asked something to Swami, but Swami gave a code to Shri Phani. So could you ask to Shri Dattaswami, what was the meaning of my  dream please? Thank you. Jay guru Dattaswami.]

Swami replied:- You purchase some candy and distribute it to beggars.
