Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 09 Oct 2021


What is the meaning of water and fire in the context of baptism?

[Shri Anil asked: John the Baptist said that he baptizes with water, but Jesus will baptize with fire when He comes. John also told that he is not even worthy of removing the foot chapels of Jesus. Still Jesus approached John to get baptized. What is the meaning of water and fire here? John is said to be the Prophet who came to pave the way for repentance in the hearts of people before they approach Jesus. Was John also a full incarnation of God like Jesus or a partial incarnation of God? Why did he say that He is not even worthy of removing the foot chapel of Jesus? Why did Jesus approach him for baptism?]

Swami replied:- Both John and Jesus were incarnations of God. The lower status of John refers to the freshness of mind after taking bath in the river. The higher status of Jesus refers to diamonds like spiritual concepts of Jesus. The fire means the spiritual knowledge (Jñānāgniḥ sarva karmāṇi— Gītā). After getting correct spiritual knowledge, perfect inspiration (Bhakti Yoga) is attained by which the correct practice will result.
