Shri Datta Swami

 03 Nov 2024


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Is it practically possible not to weep in any context?

(Shri G. Lakshman and Smt. Chhanda from Mumbai and Smt. Priyanka from Canada participated in this Satsanga along with some local devotees.)

[Prof. JSR Prasad asked:- Swami, in the Gita, God Krishna says that there is no need of weeping in any context (Tatra kaa paridevanaa?). Is it real and practically possible?]

Swami replied:- The creation is existing in both expressed state (Vyakta) during existence of creation and in subtle state (Avyakta) after dissolution of the creation like the film show and the film reel after the show is over. Therefore, nothing is destroyed and everything is eternal. This is said by God Krishna in the Gita (Natvevāhaṃ jātu nāsam…). If you analyze this statement, you can find that this statement is perfectly true. The individual soul (Jiiva), the body and the worldly bonds are permanent and eternal if we analyze carefully with sharp logic.

1) Soul or Individual soul:- Soul is eternal because even though the soul leaves its gross body on earth, it takes an energetic subtle body after death and reaches the upper worlds to enjoy the fruits of its deeds. After that, the soul (along with its subtle body) returns back to the earth and takes up a new gross body constituted by five elements and awareness. Hence, the soul is eternal.

2) Body:- The gross body is made of five elements and the five elements are eternal. After death, the shape of the body is only destroyed and not the five elements. The shape of the body is already inherently unreal. It gained its reality from the reality of the five elements only and hence, it is a gifted reality from the five elements. That, which is inherently unreal is disappearing and this means only ‘nothing’ is destroyed, which means nothing is destroyed. You need not weep for the destruction of nothing and if you weep for that, you are an unimaginable fool! The shape of the pot is destroyed when the pot breaks and the mud is retained as eternal item. The shape of the pot is relatively real, which means that it is inherently unreal and its reality is brought from the absolute reality of the mud. The subtle body is also made of eternal energy and the same above logic applies.

3) Worldly bonds:- You are associated with your spouse, child and money. The death is very very short and after death, you are forgetting all the previous worldly bonds. When you don’t remember the previous worldly bonds, where is the misery? The individual soul (your self) on taking birth again on this earth gets a new gross body and new worldly bonds. Hence, the worldly bond is eternal and there is no trace of misery after death even from the angle of worldly bonds, which are forgotten after death.


In the view of the eternality of the above said components of the creation, nothing is destroyed except ‘nothing’. Even when a feeling in the awareness is destroyed, the awareness as basic material is not destroyed. When the design of a golden jewel is destroyed, the gold is not destroyed. Hence, God Krishna is questioning Arjuna about the reason for misery. Since this knowledge is always with God Krishna, you will always find Him with a beautiful smile on His lips throughout His life. Today, one devotee phoned and wept that she is suffering with a lot of pain. I replied to her “I have taken 99% of your suffering and you are suffering only 1% of your own punishment. I am suffering the largest percentage of pains of so many devotees and I never express even a trace of My misery. Did you ever find Me feeling the suffering? My suffering is millions and millions of times more intense than your suffering. You are a human being aspiring to achieve divinity and slowly become God. If you suffer this 1% pain with a smile on your lips, you would at least achieve 1% of divinity. You cannot get the divinity by simple theoretical knowledge without practical attainment. Your knowledge will make you 100% theoretical God. Your practice will make you 100% practical God.” This is what is referred by God Krishna in the Gita, which is not mere theoretical text but a manual for practical life in this world laboratory.

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