Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 30 Jul 2022


Why did the original God Parabrahman make Himself unimaginable and invisible for human beings?

[Ms. Thrylokya asked (on phone): Why did the original God Parabrahman make Himself unimaginable and invisible for human beings? At least He should have been imaginable if not visible. What is the advantage for God to be unimaginable and invisible and raise anxiety and tension in human beings?]

Swami replied (on phone): If everything becomes imaginable to the souls, the souls will have eyes on the top of their heads. The souls will become egoistic thinking that every soul is omniscient. At least something must be unimaginable. If they say that the unimaginable God does not exist, there are unimaginable miracles before our eyes. Due to this deficiency, the eyes are standing on the face looking from middle level. A soul not having ego will have looks downwards only. While Mother Sita is walking, it is said that Her eyes are always looking towards her feet (Svapadaarpitacakshushaa – Raghu Vamsha). God knows the human psychology of human beings better than you and Me.
