Shri Datta Swami

 06 Sep 2020


Why do You not publish more photographs and videos instead of text?

[Ms. Laxmi Thrylokya asked: Pādanamaskāram Swami! Swami, Your Divine Knowledge is transforming our lives completely. We are highly indebted to you. My friend Ashwath asked me why Swami does not reveal more of His photographs. He feels that any person would be more interested in seeing photographs and watching videos rather than reading mere text.]

Swami replied: Dr. Nikhil is already doing good service regarding videos through YouTube. Some photographs already exist on the website. The most important thing is to read the knowledge, which alone gives the right direction in the spiritual effort because we often get misled. We do not understand the right concepts properly because we are trapped by attractive wrong concepts. Halfway through the journey to the right goal, if one changes one’s direction, then the earlier part of the journey, which was in the right direction, also goes waste.


| Shri Datta Swami | Why do You not publish more photographs and videos instead of text? |

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Note:- Lord Krishna says in Srimad Bhagavad Gita that propagating divine spiritual knowledge pleases the God greatly, Jñānayajñena tenāham. Spiritual knowledge brings about permanent happiness and peace in the world. So Join us in sharing this divine spiritual knowledge of Lord Datta and earn the highest grace of God.

Jaya Datta Swami

