Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 14 May 2021


Why is God, despite being omnipotent, not using His power for the spiritual growth of humans at large?

[An online spiritual discussion was conducted on May 08, 2021, in which several devotees participated. Swami’s answers to devotees’ questions are given below.]

[Śrī Raguveer asked: Behind the physical manifestation—its diversity, its creation and sustenance, its potentialities—the execution of the Nature or God or power seem to be stupendous and unimaginable. The technology which is being established (invented) from day to day is helping humans in their physical comforts. Why then is such a power unable to find and establish a technology for its spiritual growth also, which can emancipate the humans at large?]

Swāmi replied: God is blessing scientists to discover new concepts that lead to useful technologies for improving the physical comforts of human beings. But God is making the scientists work for those inventions. God is not directly creating the technologies. Similarly, God is also blessing all human beings to find out new concepts in spiritual knowledge and related technologies that are helpful in the spiritual progress of the soul. In fact, in the scientific field, God is only giving suggestions to the brains of scientists. But, in the spiritual field, God is directly coming in the form of Human Incarnations and directly preaching the proper practical technologies for spiritual progress. He is not coming as an Incarnation to preach about scientific technologies. He is only coming directly to preach about technologies in the spiritual knowledge. Hence, He is doing more direct and practical work in the spiritual field than in the field of scientific research and technologies. Therefore, it is totally absurd to say that God is not helping human beings in the spiritual line.
