Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 26 May 2021


Why Jesus was able to perform miracles but Mohammed wasn't? Did God have a preference for Jesus?

[Question raised in internet discussion forum through Shri Anil]

Swāmi Replied:- There is no question of ability to perform miracles by a human incarnation because the same Father of heaven exists in both the human incarnations. Generally, for ordinary people exhibition of miracles is the standard proof for the divinity. At the same time, the ego based jealousy also develops simultaneously and due to this jealousy only people crucified Jesus. Mohammed analysed all these parameters for the crucifixion of Jesus and avoided all such parameters and finally rejected even the basic concept of human incarnation. In those days, the IQ of people was not much due to low level of scientific logic and the concept of alive human incarnation was much inconvenient to the psychology of public. Satya Sai Bāba did several miracles apart from giving excellent spiritual knowledge and He was well received in the recent present time because the IQ of the people improved very much in the recent times. Of course, ego based jealousy exists even now, but, can be controlled easily without going to extreme actions like crucifixion. There was no much change in the psychology of people of the time of Jesus and of the time of Mohammed. Hence, Mohammed thought to eradicate the concept of human incarnation in those times. That was the decision of God.
