Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 18 Jun 2024


Will Jesus become angry with me if I say that Jesus could not protect Himself from Christian Popes?

[Shri Phani asked:- One Christian scolded the Hindu God since some devotees were killed in a temple. He said that the Hindu God is inefficient. I also told that Jesus could not protect Himself from Christian Popes. Will Jesus become angry with me?]


Swami replied:- There was a case in which Christians in a church were killed by terrorists. The same question will fall on the head of the Christianity when terrorists killed Christians while praying in the Church. Moreover, Jesus Christ Himself could not protect Himself from the crucifixion implemented by other human beings. In the case of Hindu Gods, such situation did not happen at any time! (You should have told this also.) Jesus will not become angry with you because you responded to the attack of a Christian on Hinduism. You yourself did not attack on Jesus or Christianity in the absence of the attack from the opponent. The omniscient Jesus knows this whole story and will not mistake you. Moreover, Jesus is the incarnation of the Father of Heaven (or God Datta), who is the person wearing the dress called Jesus. You have scolded the external dress (form) bearing the name of Jesus. This will not touch the inner God (Father of Heaven), who is wearing the external dress called Jesus. When somebody attacks your religion, you must also attack their religion more powerfully. You must fight with the opponent fire using more powerful fire. A bad fellow will not be pacified with helping peaceful words since he/she is pacified only with harming harder words (Śāmyet pratyapakāreṇa… - Kalidasa). When the oral war is over, you must preach the concept of universal spirituality to extinguish the opponent’s fire. Fire cannot extinguish the fire since only water can extinguish the fire. If you leave the opponent fellow without extinguishing his/her fire with water, he/she will become more violent to disturb the unity of religions and subsequent world peace.
