Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 02 Nov 2022


English »   Malayalam »  

Will You be displeased if I focus more on Your service than my academics?

[Ms. Bhanu Samykya asked: Padamaskaram Swami, You advised me to focus on my academics. Will You be displeased with me if I focus more on Your service than my academics? - At Your Divine Lotus Feet, Bhanu Samykya.]

Swami replied:- You must focus on your academics so that you will be settled in Pravrutti, which is the basic stage for your dance like Nivrutti. If the stage is weak, it will collapse due to the force of your Nivrutti. Preparation of a strong stage of Pravrutti for the sake of Nivrutti also comes under the account of Nivrutti only provided you have such intention. When you have such intention, God also gives good longevity and health to support the implementation of your intention.
