Shri Datta Swami

Jnana Saraswati – Discourses

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Showing 1 – 20 of 3596 Records

Reply from His Holiness Shri Datta Swami to the poem 'Datta Swami Sarvamiti' of Smt. Chhanda

Posted on: 09/07/2024

Swami Replied:

Only a climax devotee can understand this top spiritual knowledge,
For this purpose, very very sharp shall be your brain-sword-edge,
Ignorant and innocent devotees form the long road to reach God...

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A life saving miraculous experience of Shri Anil

Posted on: 05/07/2024

[By Shri Anil Anthony]

[29-06-2024] Paada Namaskaaram, Swami. I would like to present a miracle that Swami (His Holiness Shri Datta Swami) performed yesterday (28-06-2024) for me. Daily, while coming from the office by walk in the evening time, Shri Surya Narayana Sir, Shri Durga Prasad Sir, Shri Soumyadip Mondal, Smt. Chhanda Chandra and myself used to discuss Swami’s knowledge. Shri Surya Sir always used to lead...

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Why did Shankara say that His running is also unreal?

Posted on: 04/07/2024

Ms. Geetha Lahari asked:- Paaadanamaskaaram Swami. When Buddhists provoked an elephant towards Shankara, Shankara ran away from the elephant. Then, Buddhists asked Shankara why He should run when the elephant is unreal /false /mithyaa. Then, Shankara told that the entire world is also false and hence, the process of running is also false. Here, You told that Shankara answered this question from the point of human being and not from the point of God...

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Why do only great sages clarify the doubts of the souls in the upper worlds?

Posted on: 04/07/2024

Ms. Geetha Lahari asked:- When the soul goes to the upper world, the soul gets an energetic body and will be able to see the energetic incarnation of God present in the upper worlds. So, the soul can get the clarification of the doubts regarding the spiritual concepts...

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Why does God not care about the bad qualities of the soul He likes?

Posted on: 04/07/2024

[Ms. Bhanu Samaikya asked:- Swami, You give an example that when the bridegroom (God) likes the bride (soul), he doesn't care about her golden jewellery (bad qualities of the soul). Even when the bridegroom doesn’t like the bride, he doesn’t care about the golden jewellery on her. Please elaborate on this.]

Swami replied:- This is a Sanskrit poem (Tvayi prasanne…) written by poet Liilaa Shuka...

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Why do You stress only on God in Your preachings?

Posted on: 04/07/2024

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- Swami, I find the modern preachers stressing on the relief of stress only and they speak hardly 1% about God. In Your preaching, I find 100% stress on God only. Why is there so much difference?]

Swami replied:- I have answered this in the first chapter of the Trailokya Gita. Stress relief is the burning problem of many human beings. When that topic is touched, people run to these modern preachers hoping...

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How should parents deal with their children?

Posted on: 04/07/2024

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- Swami, how should parents deal with their children, starting from their childhood?]

Swami replied:- The scripture says “Rājavat pañcavarṣāṇi, Daśavarṣāṇi dāsavat, Prāpte tu ṣodaśe varṣe putraṃ mitravadācaret”. Meaning:-

i)   From birth to the end of the 5th year (5 years), parents should treat their child as the king by serving...

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How to save money in a justified way?

Posted on: 04/07/2024

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- How to save money in a justified way unlike a greedy fellow, who saves by controlling even the necessary expenditure?]

Swami replied:- A greedy fellow saves money even by controlling the necessary food to be taken for the sake of maintenance of life and the food required with good quality to maintain good health is also avoided by him. But, one shall know what is good...

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Why is God giving value for the donors of money only?

Posted on: 04/07/2024

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- God does not need money. But, God is giving value for the donors of money only. Are these two concepts contradicting mutually?]

Swami replied:- Certainly, God is not in need of money from any soul because every soul gets money from God only. Your doubt is that in such a case, why is God favoring the donors of money. Here, you are caught up by an illusion, which will be analyzed and explained now...

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Why is putreshanaa so strong, which is seen by me in all parents?

Posted on: 04/07/2024

[Shri Satthi Reddy asked:- Paadanamaskaaram Swami]

Swami replied:- Putreshanaa (fascination to own children) is the strongest among the three strongest worldly bonds. The other two are Dhaneshanaa (fascination to money) and Daareshanaa (fascination to spouse). These are natural bonds...

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Swami answers questions of Shri Vaibhav Pandey

Posted on: 03/07/2024

1. I want to know about myself.

[A question by Shri D. Vaibhav Pandey]

Swami replied:- There is nothing in you, which is not known to you. It is only an illusion to think that there is something in you, which is not known to you. If you search for something, which is not known to you because it does not exist in you, you may dig yourself to any extent, you’ll get nothing. It is a false thinking that you are God or God is in you. That may give some satisfaction and encouragement...

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Swami answers questions of Shri Hrushikesh

Posted on: 03/07/2024

1. What is the reason for the inability to implement the theoretical concepts even though they are well understood?

Swami replied:- The concepts belonging to God become impossible to implement in practice for two reasons:- i) Your attachment to God is not strong and ii) Your detachment from the world is not complete. If you worry about the first reason, the second reason can be automatically solved. This means that if you are very very strongly attached to God, the detachment from the world comes as a spontaneous...

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Shall we fix some amount to be donated to God throughout the life?

Posted on: 03/07/2024

[A question by Smt. Vaishnavi]

Swami replied:- My advice is that you keep something for present needs and save something for the future needs. Also, save something to give to your children. God does not need your money because really, there is no need for Him. God only tests you to know whether you possess only theoretical false love or practical true love also. Only in this angle, you can offer Guru Dakshina to God. Except this one angle...

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Why did Shirdi Sai Baba cook non-vegetarian food?

Posted on: 03/07/2024

Baby Sripaada Aaraadhya asked: Why did Shirdi Sai Baba cook non-vegetarian food for the sake of non-vegetarian Muslims?

Swami replied:- God Datta came as Shirdi Sai Baba to unite Hinduism and Islam so that there will be no religious quarrels. Muslims are generally highly emotional whereas Hindus are with balanced nature...

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Swami answers devotees' questions

Posted on: 02/07/2024

1. Is it advisable to do what we don't love so much to increase our patience and mental strength?

Shri Soumyadip Mondal asked: We prefer to keep ourselves busy in doing what we love. But is it not advisable to do exactly what we don't love so much but are necessities in worldly life?? Doesn't it increase the patience and mental strength...

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Requesting to kindly pray for me to solve my health issues.

Posted on: 02/07/2024

Shri Subramanian R asked: Namaskaaram Swami! I am Subramanian R, a 24 year old currently in Bangalore. I am facing a lot of medical issues. Requesting to kindly pray for my improvement Swami. By Subramanian R

Swami replied:- You pray to God Hanuman and...

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Will God be affected by the first abuse of the fascinated devotee?

Posted on: 02/07/2024

Shri Anil Antony asked: Paaadanamaskaaram Swami, Please give response to the following questions. At Your Divine Lotus Feet-anil. When a devotee fascinated to his own religion abuses the God of other religion (first abuse), and when a follower of universal religion retort back by abusing the God of fascinated devotee, such abuse will not touch the internal God present in the form of God and God does not mind it. The normally observed abuses are...

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As it is said, the present is in our hands, what is God's will in human effort?

Posted on: 02/07/2024

[Shri Praveen Nageswaran asked: Regards, Praveen]

Swami replied: ‘Present in our hands’ means that we shall not brood over the past and dream about the future. We shall concentrate on our present work only. If God wills to give a fruit to you (since God feels that you are deserving)...

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Is it true that women after five months of pregnancy should not enter a temple?

Posted on: 02/07/2024

Smt. Aruna Jyothi asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, I am hearing frequently from my family that Pregnant Women after 5 Months should not enter the temple and also should not light a diya even at home puja mandir. What is the reason if this is true?...

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If a song from Bhakti Ganga is heard, I am unable to chant the name of God. Is it a mistake?

Posted on: 02/07/2024

[Shri PVNM Sarma asked:- While chanting the name of God, if a devotional song from Bhakti Ganga composed by You is heard, I become unable to chant the name of God. Is it a mistake?]

Swami replied:- Singularity or plurality in spiritual line is good and singularity or plurality in worldly line is bad. The main point is that whether you are in spiritual line or worldly line, people often mistake singularity to be better than plurality...

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