Even though the new characteristic of an effect appears like the shape of the pot or the shape of the chain, the characteristics of gold or mud are also seen along with the new characteristics of the effect. Hence the appearance of new characteristics in the effect does not contradict the characteristics of the cause, which also simultaneously enter the effect. You may argue that when the poisonous sodium and the poisonous chlorine combine as cause, the non-poisonous sodium chloride is produced, in which the poisonous nature of the cause is not seen. This does not mean that the cause has not entered the effect. The poisonous nature of the cause is due to the number of electrons present in the outermost valence shell. The disappearance of the poisonous nature is only due to the change of the number of electrons in the valence outermost shell. But if you take the subatomic particles like neutrons, protons, and electrons in the cause, the same subatomic particles have entered the effect in toto. This proves that the cause, visualized as a lump of these subatomic particles, has totally entered the effect. Hence even in this chemical reaction, the entry of the cause into the effect cannot be denied.
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