07 Feb 2005
Swami replied:- Kundalini is the mind, which travels in a curved way like a serpent. The chakras mean the false attractions of family bonds. They are the whirlpools, which attract and drown a swimmer who is trying to cross this world-ocean. Mother, father, wife or husband, children, false Gurus and deities, who are the external illusions of the Lord are the bonds to be crossed. The kundalini crosses these wheels by going in a curved way. This means that you can cross Maya using Maya. If you go straight, these rotating whirlpools will catch you. Therefore you should act as if you love them and concentrate all your real love on the Lord only. This is the meaning of crossing of Maya with the help of the Maya. The Veda says the same (Avidyaya Mrityum Teertva). Yoga is this path through which you can attain the grace of the Lord and also the super natural powers from Him through His grace only. But today the Yoga teachers are earning money by a false theory in which they state that the super natural powers can be attained by certain spiritual exercises without the grace of the Lord. They say that it is just like getting health by certain physical exercises. Even demons concentrated on Yoga (Tapas) but they could get the super powers only from the Lord, who appeared before them when He was pleased. The penance did not bring the super powers directly. You cannot get the grace of the Lord and salvation by certain exercises or control of breathing. These Yoga teachers are similar to Purva Mimamsakas, who say that the fruits of actions can be attained directly by the action and that there is no need of God. Even Patanjali, who is the founder of Yoga stressed on the grace of the Lord. His path is called as ‘Seshvara Sankhya’ which means it accepts the Lord.
All these Yoga exercises can bring good health and such Yoga is just a branch of medicine. The words like Kundalini, Six Chakras, Sahasraara, etc., are not heard in the Vedas or Brahma Sutras or the Gita. All these are just imaginations. The chakras (wheels) and the Padmas (Lotus Flowers) are only poetical models and are not true. The Yoga teachers are attracting people by preaching that the super powers can be attained by such exercises. Yantras, mantras and tantras are also imaginations, which are used to earn the money. The six family bonds are like the six whirlpools and are also like six lotus flowers, which attract the bees by their fragrance. They are only similes. Yoga means the attainment of the grace of the Lord. The Yoga power means the super power given by the Lord.