Shri Datta Swami

 25 May 2009


Have you realized Maha-Shakti?

Swami rerplied: Assuming that I am the contemporary Human Incarnation, I have two components. The first component is the unimaginable God and the second component is Myself, a soul existing in this human body. Even the medium of God has the same characteristics of an ordinary human being. Even the shirt of the king can be cut by a knife like the shirt of a beggar. No human being can bear the Maha Shakti, which is the infinite cosmic energy. Therefore, even I cannot bear it. The God component in Me being the creator of this Maha Shakti always bears it as its Substratum and as its Creator. One has to realize that the infinite cosmic energy is also creation but not the Creator because energy is an imaginable item, which is constituted by photons or electromagnetic waves.
