Shri Datta Swami

 08 Feb 2005


How can You contradict the age old tradition by Your knowledge in a short time?

Swami replied:- Suppose there is a vacant room. Even if a hundred people said for a hundred years that the room is filled with pots, it cannot be true. I may be one person and might have told you just ten minutes back that the room is vacant. Which is true? Therefore you should analyze what I say and what they said. Then you will know the truth. You must see the room with your own eyes and decide who told the truth. The number of people and duration of time cannot stand as an authority for the truth. A thousand blind people may say that everything is darkness, even though the sun is shining brightly. But that cannot be true. The Veda says the same (Andhenaiva…). Blind followers lead by blind preachers will fall into the well called hell.
