04 Feb 2005
Swami replied:- Killing an innocent beautiful deer is the greatest sin and the birth of the tiger itself is the result of the soul’s bad deeds in the past. Just like the color and the cotton thread cannot be separated, the cruel nature of the soul in the tiger is inherent and inseparable. Therefore it appears to you as if it is a natural thing when the tiger kills the deer. You do not say that a carnivorous person [cannibal], who kills and eats human beings, is justified because in this case, you are affected. You can understand the pain of the deer when you are born as a deer. The deer cannot argue like a human being. But because of that, it should not have a different justice. A person may be unable to employ an advocate but the judge will still do justice. A tiger will do such sins continuously, which will increase its cruelty. As the cruelty increases, the cruel deeds become more and more. The quality leads to action and the action again results in quality. This is the vicious circle in which the soul is caught, that is the end of the story and there is no liberation for such a soul.