Shri Datta Swami

 10 Feb 2005


Is this world a modification of various forms of energy as per science?

Swami replied:- You say that when energy is condensed, the fundamental particles of matter like neutrons, protons and electrons result. These particles differ in their weights due to the difference in the quantities of energy. A crystal of sugar and a particle of sugar differ in weights but they have the same quality like sweet taste. Now you say that different atoms with different qualities (properties) result due to different arrangements of these fundamental particles. Suppose we have different arrangements of the crystals and particles of sugar, will these different arrangements produce different qualities? Can you say that one type of arrangement will give sweet taste and another type of arrangement will give a sour taste? Therefore the different arrangements of the fundamental particles, which are quantitatively different condensed items of the same energy, cannot produce different properties (qualities). The different arrangements of crystals and small particles, which are quantitatively different condensed items of the same sugar, cannot produce different tastes. Therefore, you cannot explain the difference in the qualities of substances based on the different arrangements of fundamental particles in different atoms. The atoms may differ in their weights due to the difference in the number of fundamental particles but cannot produce different qualities. Even the bonds between the atoms in different substances are also made of the same energy.

The solution for this question lies in accepting the Lord. Due to the wish of the Lord different arrangements of quantitatively different fundamental particles, produced different qualities. Therefore, the reason for different qualities can be only the different wishes of the Lord and the reason cannot be just the different arrangements of the fundamental particles. Therefore you cannot explain the various qualities of various substances based on the single item called energy. The Veda says the same (Ekoham Bahusyaam). Even the energy itself is a wish of the Lord. This theory is proved by the miracles shown by various human incarnations of the Lord and such miracles are the practical proof of the existence of the Lord and that this universe is just the wish of the Lord.
