Shri Datta Swami

 06 Feb 2005


What is the essence of the Vishwarupam showed by Shri Vasudeva?

Swami replied:- You must understand the spiritual essence of Vishwarupam in which the entire world became the body of Lord Krishna. This means that when you are not biased about a particular place, time, or a limited number of persons called family, you have the same attachment to every place, every minute and every human being in the world. When you go to your office you are anxious to come back to your house because your mind is limited to only your house. When you leave your town and go to another town you are anxious to come back to your town. You think about the Lord only on a particular holiday. When all the illusions about place, time and a particular human being disappears, and when you treat all places, all days and all human beings as equal, you are also Vishwarupa. Unless this is achieved you cannot get the power of the Lord.

If you see Lord Krishna, He killed His own uncle (Kamsa) and got His own nephew (Abhimanyu) killed. He gave life to the son of Sandeepani and gave His entire wealth to Sudama. Sandeepani and Sudama did not even belong to the caste of Lord Krishna. Krishna was Narayana and Narayana is Shiva. The only son of Narayana was Manmatha who was burnt by Shiva. This means that the same Narayana in another ‘dress’ called Shiva burnt His own son. But if you see Arjuna, he was not ready to fight against his relatives. The same Arjuna had fought with several kings when the Rajasuya sacrifice was performed. Therefore Arjuna had the illusion of ‘his relatives’ and ‘outsiders’. Thus when you can get even a little behavior of Lord Krishna in your practical life, you can become a part of Lord Krishna. Without such practice what is the use of meditating upon Lord Krishna with your mind and chanting so many hymns on Lord Krishna. You can get the grace of the Lord only by the sacrifice of work (Karma Sanyasa) and the sacrifice the fruit of work (Karma Phala Tyaga). You can get and eat a sweet in a restaurant either by payment (Karma Phala Tyaga) or working in the hotel for some time (Karma Sanyasa). Other than these two ways, you cannot eat the sweet by meditating upon the sweet or by chanting prayers for the sweet. This is the real essence of Vishwarupam.
