Shri Datta Swami

 25 May 2009


When did You attain Nirvikalpa Samadhi?

[An Advaitin asked] 

Swami rerplied: The word Samadhi is constituted by three parts: Sam, Aa and Dhi. Sam means perfectness. Aa means all the time. Dhi means determination. When your determination is perfect without any doubt or loop-hole and if the determination is continuous throughout your life, without any rupture, such determination is called as Samadhi. When you worship God in the form of a statue or a picture representing the energetic form of God from the upperworld or past Human Incarnation, your faith or determination will be perfect and is never broken. But when you recognize the living human form of God, certainly doubts will arise, at one time or another and certainly your faith will be broken. Your own qualities like ego and jealousy will disturb your faith. Even if you conquer your qualities, the Lord in human form will create a lot of hurdles in your faith to test the strength of your determination. If your faith in the contemporary Human Incarnation is completely strong and is firm throughout your life, you have entered Nirvikalpa Samadhi. Vikalpa means hurdle. Nirvikalpa means crossing over all the hurdles. There are only two human beings, who got this Nirvikalpa Samadhi. One is Hanuman and the other is Radha, who believed in the contemporary Human Incarnation without a trace of shirk even for a fraction of second.
