Shri Datta Swami

 24 May 2009


Why did Shri. Narasimha Sarawati want to hide Himself from Muslims?

[Shri. Anil Antony asked] 

Swami rerplied: Narasimha Saraswati came to reform traditional Hindus, who were conservative. He rectified certain faults of those people. His program was confined to them only. If He extends His program to Muslims also like Sai Baba, the conservative Hindus will not accept even those rectifications. Therefore, God limited His program to those people and rectified their faults following the strongest concept of conservatism. In the time of Sai Baba, people were not conservative and therefore, universality of both the religions was established. The same God Datta exists in Narasimha Saraswati and Sai Baba.
