Shri Datta Swami

 02 Sep 2015


Why God didn't help Imam Hussain (as) against yazeed in the battle of Karbala?

I read your article. My question is, why God didn't help Imam Hussain (as) against yazeed in the battle of Karbala? What is your study in this regard?

Imam Husain (as) and his family were the choosen people of God and believed to be infallible. Then why God didn't help them against Yazeed? Contextual answer would help me understanding your viewpoint much better.
-Khadim Ali]

Swami Replied: You cannot decide anything by seeing an incident without knowing its unseen past and future. There can be several reasons in the past and can be several fruits in the future. The case seen by you may be a new case or a case to be closed. If X has beaten Y, Y might have beaten X in the past life. If X has freshly beaten Y, X will be punished in this life or Y will beat X in the future life. You have seen only a particular incident in which X and Y appear. You do not know even the present lives of X and Y completely. Even if you do not believe in the re-birth, this statement stands as the answer. God’s ways and actions are unimaginable to us. Certainly, no injustice will win in the administration of God. Hence, have firm faith in God and do not be disturbed by the limited knowledge of human brain.
