Shri Datta Swami

Jnana Saraswati – Discourses

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Showing 81 – 100 of 3596 Records

Daily Prayer to God Datta

Posted on: 26/05/2024

(Composed by His Holiness Shri Datta Swami)


Sarvatra sarvadā sarva-pāpakarmā'smi sarvadhā,
Tvatto nānyā gatistāta!, Datta Deva! Dayodadhe!...

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Swami, is there an alternative form for Your suffering the sin of Your real devotee?

Posted on: 26/05/2024

Swami replied:- You physics scientists are very sharp and intelligent, but, sometimes you become very silly. Physics seems to be a problematic subject! Your greatest scientist in Physics prepared two boxes, one with a big hole and another with a small hole so that the big cat will go through the big hole and drink its milk and the small cat will go through the small hole and drink its milk. He was confused with the laws of motion...

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What is Your answer to the pastor, who was scolding Manusmruti?

Posted on: 26/05/2024

[Prof. JSR Prasad asked:- Sāṣṭāṅga namaskāraṃ Swami, in YouTube, I saw a video entitled ‘Manusmruti Vs. Bible’  by a pastor (Aruna Kumar) in which he was scolding Manusmruti in which it is written that the Brahmana caste is greatest before which all others are treated as servants. By this, he was blaming the Hindu religion. What is Your answer to this pastor?]

Swami replied:- We have to sympathize with the pastor for committing a great error before he started this topic. British rulers projected the caste differences so that they can divide and rule the India. This pastor belongs to their religion...

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In marriage selection, why are girls seeking grooms of a higher height?

Posted on: 24/05/2024

[Shri Phani asked:- Swami, this question belongs to pure Pravrutti (worldly life). In marriage selection, why are girls always seeking grooms of a higher height?]

Swami replied:- Even though this belongs to pure Pravrutti, it is concerned with the state of householdership (Gruhasthaashrama), which is very essential for the generation of future generations that are needed for the entertainment...

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Swami, why is Your spiritual knowledge attracting everybody very much?

Posted on: 24/05/2024

[A question by Ms. Thrylokya]

Swami replied:- The first and main point is that this spiritual knowledge is preached by God Datta directly. The second point is that generally, people have a very strong thirst for true spiritual knowledge because everybody is going to meet death and leave this world. The third point is that modern preachers are preaching spiritual knowledge totally concentrated on worldly logic and the efforts of the souls without...

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Divine Satsanga on 20-05-2024

Posted on: 23/05/2024

[Satsanga with Shri Phani, Ms. Purnima, Smt. Swathi, Ms. Rithika and Shri Nithin]

1. Swami, why was Shirdi Sai Baba defeated in boxing with a person and from that day, Baba changed the style of His dress?

Swami replied:- This kind of incident can be found in the case of God Krishna also, who ran fearing for a demon called Kaalayavana. Kaalayavana was running after Krishna and Krishna was running to avoid getting caught by Kaalayavana...

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Kindly give me the details of the incident of Satyakaama Jaabaala and Sage Gautama.

Posted on: 21/05/2024

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- Swami, I strongly believe that You are the author of the Veda. Hence, kindly give me the details of the incident of Satyakaama Jaabaala and Sage Gautama.]

Swami replied:- Jaabaala belonged to Shudra caste by birth (Janma Shudra), but, she was Brahmana by qualities (Karma Brahmana). She was extremely poor and for the sake of living, she used to work in several houses...

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Swami answers questions of Ms. Thrylokya

Posted on: 20/05/2024

1. Can it also be inferred that the father of Satyakaama must be a Brahmana by birth?

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- Paadanamaskaaram Swami. Swami, You told that Goutama inferred Satyakaama Jaabaala to be a Brahmana because he told the bitter truth about his birth. This inference may be in another way also, which is that the father of Satyakaama must be a Brahmana by birth.]

Swami replied:- Even if Goutama came to know from the mother of Satyakaama that the father of the boy was a Brahmana by birth, Goutama will not decide Satyakaama to be a Brahmana without testing the quality of speaking...

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How does a soul with specific qualities get birth in a family of different qualities?

Posted on: 19/05/2024

[Smt. Chhandaa asked:- Paadanamaskaram Swami, Suppose a soul with different quality (assuming Brahmana) is getting birth in a family of different qualities (like Vaishya). Then, the ambience (atmosphere) will not be congenial to the new born soul. In this regard, I have the following doubts. Please clarify them:]

Swami replied:- Thought is made of nervous energy. When the thought becomes stronger and stronger, the thought is called as vaasana, samskaara and guna. These three stages of strengthening thought...

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God will Respond in the Same Phase as the Devotee Approaching Him

Posted on: 16/05/2024

1. Suppose God in human form takes My suffering onto Him, shall I not be concerned and worried about it?

[A question by Smt. Chhanda]

Swami replied:- God in human form has the same medium of the human being. The individual soul is common. In the case of God, the individual soul is sustaining an infinite ocean of bliss. This is called as Paraa Prakruti, which sustains everything. This individual soul grasps and sustains all the information and is called cittam or cit. Cit is in the context of grasping the information and cittam is in the context...

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Swami answers questions of Ms. Thrylokya

Posted on: 15/05/2024

1. Can I always praise You in the following way?

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- Swami, You are Parabrahman or God Datta, the absolute reality and this creation is only inherently relative reality becoming absolute reality due to Your gifted absolute reality. I like to praise You through this concept all the time. Is it okay?]

Swami replied:- This shows your climax jealousy on Me! I covered Myself with self-ignorance so that I will be controlled by illusion to feel this creation as absolute reality so that I can entertain Myself with this creation...

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Lord Krishna as Swami (A poem on Swami by Smt. Chhanda)

Posted on: 12/05/2024

Krishna means the most attractive one,
You are that same Krishna for me, the Ultimate one....

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Swami answers questions brought by Shri Anil

Posted on: 11/05/2024

[Shri Anil Antony asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, I request You to answer the following questions on Hinduism and other general questions raised in a discussion forum. At Your Lotus Feet-anil]

1. Did Lord Krishna have wounds on His face during the Mahabharata war?

Swami replied:- Lord Krishna had wounds throughout...

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Are the people not oriented to spiritual knowledge due to sattvam or tamas?

Posted on: 11/05/2024

Smt. Chhanda Chandra asked:- Paadanamaskaram Swami, in reply to Miss Thrylokya’s question related to Sattvam and intelligence, You said, “there is a set of people involved in worldly business who are made of predominant rajas and lesser tamas with a trace of sattvam. Due to lesser tamas, they are not much oriented to spiritual knowledge, which is due to the ignorance caused...

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Are the devotees worshipping Rama more matured than those who worship Krishna?

Posted on: 11/05/2024

Smt. Chhanda Chandra asked:- Swami, in a discussion, somebody commented, “Rama never showed any divinity and Krishna showed several forms of divinity. So, we can say that the devotees who worship Rama are more matured than the devotees who worshipped Krishna” Please reply to this. At Your divine lotus feet always, Chhanda.

Swami replied:- God Rama was in Tretaa Yuga when the justice was 75% alive. The standard of both Pravrutti...

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Is the Guru Dakshina given to the Sadguru for His needs or is there anything else?

Posted on: 11/05/2024

[Shri PVNM Sarma asked:- Paadanamaskaaram Swami. Guru Dakshina is given to the Sadguru for the needs of the Sadguru. Is this concept correct or is there anything extra than this?]

Swami replied:- The Guru Dakshina (Money offering or Karma Phala Tyaaga) and Karma Samnyaasa (the service done to the Sadguru) support the meaning given by you. When the Sadguru gives the deep spiritual knowledge...

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Why does our Hindu Dharma say that every woman should see God in her husband?

Posted on: 11/05/2024

[A question by Ms. Thrylokya]

Swami replied:- The Gopikas saw husband in God Krishna. The Veda also says that God alone is male and any soul is not only female but also a wife of God because God is the maintainer (Bhartaa or husband) of the world including...

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Swami answers questions on Christianity brought by Shri Anil

Posted on: 09/05/2024

[Shri Anil Antony asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, I request You to answer the following questions raised in a discussion forum. At Your Lotus Feet-anil.]

1. What does it mean that Jesus says I am the Alpha and the Omega -- the Beginning and End -- the First and the Last. (Revelation 22:13)?

Swami replied:- God is the beginning since He created the creation...

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Swami answers questions on Islam brought by Shri Anil

Posted on: 09/05/2024

[Shri Anil Antony asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, I request You to answer the following questions raised in a discussion forum related to Islam. At Your Lotus Feet-anil.]

1. Why was there conflict between Jesus and Muhammad, as well as their followers, if they were both considered messengers of God?

Swami replied:- There is no conflict between the messengers...

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Swami answers questions on Hinduism brought by Shri Anil

Posted on: 09/05/2024

[Shri Anil Antony asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, I request You to answer the following questions raised in a discussion forum related to Islam. At Your Lotus Feet-anil.]

1. Why did God create God?

Swami replied:- God created His dress or medium so that He can be visible to all the souls after coming out of the bathroom...

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