Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 18 Apr 2023


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Can a devotee fight against the parents who are against the path of God?

(Divine Satsang On 15-04-2023: Shri Kunal Chatterjee, Smt. Suchandra Chatterjee, Ms. Noishadha Chatterjee from Mumbai, Prof. JSR Prasad, Ms. Thrylokya, Smt. Anita R, Ms. Bhanu Samykya, Mr. Abhiram, Mr. Hrushikesh and Prof. Annapurna attended this Satsanga and the flashes of spiritual knowledge radiated from Shri Datta Swami are given below in a condensed way.)

Ms. Bhanu Samykya  asked: If a devotee comes to God and if the parents oppose the devotee, can the devotee come to God by openly opposing such parents?

Swami replied:- The parents are opposing the devotee by the will of God only in order to test the strength of the devotion of the devotee. In such a case, violent behaviour towards parents is not a wise solution. Here, the significance of Yoga Shastra comes. The devotee shall handle the parents in a more talented way. There is a saying that the serpent shall die but the stick should not be broken. Doing the own good deed for the sake of God in a smooth way is always better if the parents are not becoming the devotees of God. The devotee shall solve this problem by a trickish way, which is not a sin because the trick is done for the sake of God and not for the sake of any human being. Direct fight must be avoided as far as possible but the devotee shall not cheat the parents for the sake of another human being. Only as the last resort, the devotee can enter into fighting with parents because in every birth, parents will change but not God.
