Shri Datta Swami

 31 Aug 2024


English »   Malayalam »  

Can You please tell the background of Divya Prabandhanam given by Alwars?

[Shri Ramakanth asked:- Swami, can You please tell the background of ‘Divya Prabandhanam’ given by Alwars, which is revered in Sree Vaishnava tradition? Also, can we recite the hymns from it by attempting to understand it’s meaning?]

Swami replied:- As long as you read the prayer to God in any language, you must know its meaning. Word (Shabda)-Meaning (Artha)-Essence (Taatparya)-Feeling (Bhaava)-Devotion (Bhakti) is the sequence. Without knowing the meaning, reciting the Veda like an inert tape recorder is useless. Worships done with such priests are also a waste. The word ‘Veda’ itself means knowledge and knowledge comes only if the meaning is known. This point was very much stressed by Shankara, who condemned Puurvamimamsakas believing that mere recitation of the Vedic words is sufficient.

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Note:- Lord Krishna says in Srimad Bhagavad Gita that propagating divine spiritual knowledge pleases the God greatly, Jñānayajñena tenāham. Spiritual knowledge brings about permanent happiness and peace in the world. So Join us in sharing this divine spiritual knowledge of Lord Datta and earn the highest grace of God.

Jaya Datta Swami

