Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 05 Nov 2021


Could You help me understand a dream I had?

[Shri Hrushikesh Pudipeddi asked: Request for Enlightenment. Dear Swami, A British spiritual aspirant asked the following question. I request You to kindly help him with the answer.

Question: Could You help me understand a dream I had? I can't stop thinking about it, because I'm a Christian but this Hindu deity came to me in a dream.

I was in a strange country and looking for something when I found some place and began digging up something. Then I found something and it looked Indian/Hindu and that's when I said Diksha and straightaway Ganesh appeared and I said this item is Ganesh's diksha. He was running after me but I was so scared so I kept running away but he wouldn't stop chasing me and dancing/joking around, when he caught me he started to throw stones at me until I gave up and woke up.]

Swami Replied:- You can follow any religion you like and be sincere in this spiritual line of your selected religion. Up to this, there is no objection. The problem comes when you start scolding other religions. You can respect your father as much as you like. But, you should not disrespect fathers of other people. In such case as much pain you get on the disrespect to your father, so much pain will be experienced by others. The dream got by you warns you about this point. In all the religions, the same unimaginable God comes down in different media suitable to the different cultures and different languages. If anybody insults the divine form of God concerned to any religion, it becomes insulting the divine form of his/her own religion.
