Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 22 Jul 2024


How can an ordinary soul differentiate justice and injustice?

[Ms. Bhanu Samykya asked:- Paadanamaskaaram Swami, as a soul I don't have the correct instrument to diagnose what is justice and injustice. My eyes see only a partial scene of the full movie and my intelligence can analyze partial knowledge of present (as knowledge of past karma is absent). A devoted soul is supposed to accept any bad results of injustice as its own bad karma and leave the matter to God. Now, what is the point of learning about what is justice and injustice? Since God alone knows the real truth, learning so much about justice and unable to recognize which side is justified is like having a car (knowledge of justice) and don't know how to drive (don't know which side is really justified as we don't know the past karma) is what I feel. What is the use of knowledge of justice and injustice and how to use it in the world properly?]

Swami replied:- The present punishments attacking us reveal the nature of sins performed in the past. Suppose you failed in an examination even after thorough preparation. This punishment indicates that your past sin might have been that you spoiled a student from passing his/her examination. Here, the word ‘past’ does not mean your previous births. This word indicates only the past time of the present birth. All the punishments are over in the upper world (hell) before you take birth for this new life. This facility is arranged by God so that you will not be disturbed in your spiritual effort to be taken up in this world called Karma Loka, which is the world for doing good activities with fresh mind without any disturbance by  punishments. In that case, you may get a doubt that why are we suffering with unexpected bad fruits attacking us in our life journey? These bad fruits attacking now are not the bad fruits of the sins done in previous births, but are the bad fruits of serious sins done in this birth itself. There is an exceptional rule, which says that the fruits of serious bad or good deeds are to be enjoyed immediately here itself (Atyutkaṭaiḥ pāpapuṇyaiḥ, Ihaiva phalamaśnute). Hence, one shall be very careful and not do any sin in the present life so that he/she will have a peaceful life without any disturbance. The knowledge of justice and injustice can be very easily understood because God speaks through your consciousness whether the action proposed by you is justified or not justified. You should listen to your consciousness, which speaks just once only since God speaks once only through the consciousness of every human being. The nature of your soul that is developed by the practical concepts undergone during several past births does not allow you to hear your speaking consciousness for a second time. This is the problem. Your nature (Prakruti or Gunas) repeatedly speaks provoking injustice since the nature is generally made of bad qualities only. Hence, you are entirely responsible for everything. People pose confusion to escape their clear responsibility.

Q. Should I be insensitive in Pravrutti and sensitive only in Nivrutti?

[Paadanamaskaaram Swami, I feel that I should be like a rock in the world i.e. completely insensitive but responsible to duties. I should be most sensitive and responsible towards God. Is this attitude correct? - At Your Divine Lotus Feet, Bhanu Samykya.]

Swami replied:- Even the worldly matters must be analyzed sharply and you shall be firm like a rock in implementing the conclusions. For a second opinion, you can consult good scholars of spiritual knowledge. Highest sensitivity in Nivrutti is appreciable because God takes care of everything in Nivrutti.
