Shri Datta Swami

 19 Dec 2024


English »   Malayalam »  

How is Arjuna with Rajas quality responsible for the evolution of the Gita?

[Smt. K. Rama Sundari asked:- One of my friends asked this question. We heard about the explanation of three qualities (Sattvam, Rajas and Tamas) from Swami. Arjuna having Rajas quality became responsible for the evolution of the Gita. How is this?]

Swami replied:- Dharmaraja is full of Sattvam, which is spiritual knowledge and hence, he does not need the Gita. Bhima is full of Tamas, which is ignorance and hence, there is no use of preaching the Gita to him. The middle Arjuna represents Rajas, which is neither full knowledge nor full ignorance. Hence, Arjuna can be reformed by the divine advice. Sattvam represents angels. Tamas represents demons. In between, the Rajas represents human beings, who err and rectify with the help of true knowledge. Angels will never err. Demons always err. Human beings err and also rectify. Therefore, Arjuna representing human beings (hence, Arjuna is called as ‘Nara’ or human being) can reform himself by the divine advice or the Gita spoken by Krishna or Naaraayana. Therefore, this is justified from all angles. Generally, we should see these qualities in the preacher and not in the disciple.

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