Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 23 Nov 2022


Is it possible for a soul to never misunderstand Your words or actions?

[Smt. Priyanka asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, Through certain experiences and discussions with other devotees, I keep realizing the fact that we can never understand You, unless Your will and grace are present. On top of that, some souls keep making the mistake of misunderstanding You (either Your words or actions). When the right time arrives due to Your grace, we realize the mistake we made and feel guilty about it. But, after some days, something else may happen due to which we can misunderstand You again. Is it truly possible for a soul to never repeat this sin of misunderstanding God's (Your) words or actions? Swami, nothing is possible without Your grace and a soul has no value without You. Every single thing You say is the truth and every single thing You do is perfect with a deep meaning with many angles, which is beyond our understanding. I feel it is best to have blind faith in You rather than trying to analyze certain things. What is the reason that even after knowing this, a soul can misunderstand You at times? At Your divine lotus feet, Priyanka]

Swami replied:- I have become famous in clarifying all the misunderstandings in the spiritual knowledge. Your question mentions misunderstandings indirectly without naming them specifically. If you are talking like this in a general way without pinpointing the concept, how can I answer this vague series of statements? I evaluate any devoted soul based on the total account of deservingness, which is a total sum of current account and fixed deposits. Sometimes, the visible current account may be less, but, the unseen Fixed Deposits may be more. For God, everything is visible and for souls, some are visible and some are invisible. We shall not compare only the visible current accounts. Of course, I believe that you believe Me as God and hence, I am writing all this. If I am also an ordinary human being (actually, I don’t know the truth and I am always in great confusion about this point), then also, you have to argue fully by mentioning the specific points so that I will be able to understand the truth and correct Myself. However, unfortunately, if I happen to be God, then also you must present the points specifically and clearly so that I can clarify all your doubts fully because God is omniscient.
