Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 08 Aug 2022


Kindly clarify on the concept of MukhyaPraana highlighted by Shri Madhwacharya.

[Shri Balaji came from Bangalore exclusively to have Satsanga with Shri Datta Swami and other Devotees. Shri Balaji asked this question.]

Swami Replied:  The word Praana denotes Parabrahman or God Datta only because God is expressed as breath or life in the sense of simile expressed as metaphor. Madhva uses the word MukhyaPraana, which means very important breath or life and by this word, He is denoting God only. If there is some item which is very important, it means other similar items are not important. This non-important item is the breath or life of an ordinary human being. By this, He is differentiating God from all ordinary souls since He is the founder of Dualism. This helps us not to confuse that breath is God and means that we shall not concentrate on the breath (Amukhyaprāṇa) but we shall concentrate on God or Mukhya Praana.
