Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 10 Jan 2024


English »   Malayalam »  

Please explain the concepts of Vidyaa and Avidyaa

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- On Datta Jayanti, after the narration of the computer-miracle by Shri Veena Datta, You spoke about Vidyaa and Avidyaa. Please explain this concept once again.]

Swami replied:- I told that I have done several miracles on the computer, and this is called as Vidyaa, which means awareness of Myself through which I could expose My unimaginable power through miracle. Vidyaa means knowledge i.e., knowledge of Myself as God Datta. This exposure will rise excitement in devotees, due to which, they are unable to ask their doubts in a free atmosphere. Hence, this excitement is to be subsided and this is done by Me by inviting Avidyaa or ignorance i.e, My inability to even open the computer! Due to the exposure of My Avidyaa, devotees will count Me as an ordinary human being so that their excitement is subsided due to which they come to the ground state to ask Me doubts in a friendly manner. In the state of excitement, the mind gets blocked and their doubts in spiritual knowledge do not spark. My main aim to come to this earth is to preach true spiritual knowledge by clearing all kinds of doubts present in the minds of devotees. If I do not expose Vidyaa or knowledge of Myself, I cannot do any miracle and due to this, nobody cares to approach Me for true spiritual knowledge since they will not care for Me. If I do not get back My ignorance, I cannot bring the devotees to their normal level and also, I cannot be entertained fully without My full ignorance. The position of the human incarnation is very complex, which requires balancing self-knowledge (Vidyaa) and self-ignorance (Avidyaa).
