Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 24 Dec 2023


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Satsanga in Mumbai-2

O Learned and Devoted Servants of God,

[Certain flash concepts radiated from Shri Datta Swami from 20/12/2023]

1) Miracles are of two types. The first type involves miracles done by the incarnation frequently in order to expose the incarnation as God so that people are attracted by such miracles and subsequently, true spiritual knowledge can be preached to the people. The second type of miracles are done after the stage of the first type miracles. The second type involves miracles done for a deserving devotee to help the devotee to progress in the spiritual line. The first type is done with fast speed and the second type is done slowly whenever the proper context appears. The second type of miracles is genuine and qualitatively is considered to be the best. The first type is just for attraction and of low status because these miracles enhance the selfish nature of devotees to exploit these miracles for solving their personal worldly problems.


2) A devotee is bound by the rules of pravrutti. When a devotee goes to the house of another devotee, some snacks or meals are offered with the intention of good friendship. The devotee shall try to repay it approximately as early as possible. Repayment can be in the form of reciprocating the same tiffin and meals whenever the second devotee goes to the house of the first devotee. If such a possibility is not present, the guest must give something in kind either to the householder or to their children. The devotee shall note that a perfect account upto every paisa is maintained by Chitragupta. If the guest is poor and incapable of returning the payment, such guest shall wait till he becomes rich and repay the loan. If such an attitude is present, the guest will never become poor and will be blessed by God to remain rich. If such a nature is absent with the guest having an exploiting nature, the guest will be poor always and the loan that is not paid back will drag the guest to be born as a man or an animal to serve the other person to pay back the loan. Very small things also are counted that lead to the next worldly birth (Ṛṇānubandha rūpeṇa, paśu patnī sutālayāḥ). The verse means that animals like dogs, cows, buffaloes, he-buffaloes, bulls, etc., are born only to repay such loans. Even a spouse is born to pay such loans. Even issues are born to extract their loans along with compound interest from parents.


3) In Nivrutti, the account with God is simply need based. Draupadi gave a small piece of cloth, which was sufficient to serve the need of Krishna, which is the bandage for the cut finger. When Draupadi was in danger of becoming nude due to the atrocity of Duhshasana, the need for her was thousands of saris. Krishna granted all those needed saris. The piece of cloth given by Draupadi is a very small trace before the thousands of saris created by Krishna. The magnitudes of exchanged items are not at all considered, which are very much considered in the case of business. Such need based account results only in the sacrifice to God without aspiration for any fruit in return. Draupadi did not give that piece of cloth to Krishna in view of business devotion, which is the aspiration for some fruit in return in the future. This is based on true love, which is never having the aspiration for return. The devotee succeeding in sacrifice without any aspiration in return will have all fortunes from God. There is no bank in which you can invest for the sake of help in the next birth. Of course, even if you help some co-human being with some wealth, it will be returned back to you along with interest in the next birth, by the same person reborn, but, in this case, there is no need based account. When you get back the amount from a co-human being, you may increase it or you may lose it. The paying person is not concerned with your loss. But, God pays back whatever you need, which can be any number of times. Through this aspiration-less devotion, a permanent relationship is formed with God. Since the wealth of God is unlimited, based on your need, He will gift you the needed amount for any number of times either in this birth or in the next birth whenever need appears. Since the repayment is based on need, there is no chance for you to lose that paid amount in luxuries.


4) On analysis of this creation, it is certainly proved that the material cause for this entire creation is just cosmic energy. From energy only, matter is obtained on condensation. From energy only, awareness, which is the specific work form of inert energy is obtained. Energy, matter and awareness are the three fundamental building materials of this entire creation. Energy is called Rajas, matter is called Tamas and awareness is called Sattvam. Awareness, influenced by these three qualities, develops various types of thoughts. Awareness influenced by Sattvam generates sattvika thoughts, influenced by rajas generates rajasika thoughts and influenced by tamas generates tamasika thoughts. All souls are doing a variety of actions due to these three types of thoughts. Sattvika thoughts give knowledge and alertness. Rajasika thoughts give ego of one’s own power. Tamasika thoughts give laziness and ignorance. Therefore, we can understand that whenever all of creation is dissolved, finally the leftover single item is inert cosmic energy only. All of creation exists as a subtle plan in the energy leftover with least intensity that stays in the energetic body of God Datta. Scientists agree that the final item leftover is cosmic energy and this cosmic energy is again the first item to create all this world. They are logically correct in this point. Divine philosophy also agrees with science upto this point. But, there is an extra point other than this point agreed by science. Energy was created by God and the creation and evolution proceeded under the direction and control of God. If you end with energy only as the ultimate substance, inert energy alone cannot do such sophisticated administration of laws of energy, matter and awareness of this world. An inert item can do some random actions without any plan of intelligence. Such random activity of inert energy cannot do this intricate and intensive administration of inert and non-inert items of the world. Therefore, even scientists agreed the presence of some intellectual item for the sake of administration without finding any fault with the scientific procedures taking place in this world. A scientist says “I agree with all the scientific procedures that the stove liberates heat, the heat boils the milk following the laws of thermodynamics and when the hot milk is mixed with hot decoction, coffee is prepared. All this is the pure scientific procedure about which we are not finding any fault. We simply say that an intellectual person prepared this coffee to drink it to get some happiness”! Hence, God created the inert cosmic energy (Tat tejo'sṛjata- Veda) in a very subtle state, which is space (Ātmana ākāśaḥ - Veda). Later on, the creation extended following the concept of evolution and this concept is the plan of God only. In this way,  philosophy and science can be very easily correlated.

To be continued …
