Shri Datta Swami

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Even if Preacher is God and Preached Knowledge is Excellent, There is No Use Without Deservingness

Posted on: 15/07/2018

Shri Hrushikesh (On Phone):- How nice You explained the entire logic behind caste system! But, my friend is rigid on his own old argument only. Now, he has entered into a new topic of human incarnation!

Swami replied:- A student memorized the definition of Newton’s laws of motion only. If you ask any other law in science, he repeats the same definition and you are dumb stuck with surprise. The student says “See. By my reply, the other side became silent!” Do you think that any further reply to such student has any use? You will say to him “yes. You are correct” and then leave from that place thinking...

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Why was John the Baptist Beheaded?

Posted on: 23/12/2018

Shri Anil asked: Padanamaskaram Swami! One person asked on Quora “Why did Jesus not save John the Baptist from getting beheaded?” Could You please answer this question? At Your Lotus Feet, Anil

Swami Replied: God gave freedom to all souls so that they could do whatever they felt was good. God helped the souls in determining what is good and what is bad by preaching to them through holy scriptures, holy devotees and holy Incarnations. Freedom means the complete freedom for all souls in this creation...

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Divine Satsanga

Posted on: 26/10/2020

[An online satsaṅga took place among devotees on October 10, 2020. Following is a discourse given by Swamiji based on the points discussed by the devotees in the satsaṅga.]

Swāmi said: O Learned and Devoted Servants of God! Śrī Ganesh was saying in the satsaṅga that he told a lie to his higher officer that some work assigned to him had already been completed, because he wanted to spend time in spiritual study. Later on, he found that the task was actually completed. Ganesh wanted to know whether his lie was a sin or not. The answer is that one can only tell a lie in order to establish justice over injustice. Except for this one occasion, lies are sins. God is above justice...

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