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[Shri Phani Kumar asked, “How can the contradicting philosophies i.e., monism (advaita) of Shankara and the dualism (dvaita) of Ramanuja and Madhva help the same human being in the same time?” Given below is Shri Swami’s response.]
Swami Replied: The same human being should identify the human incarnation as God and simultaneously should identify himself as not the God, being the servant of God. The first view is possible by the concept of Shankara and the second view is possible by the concept of Ramanuja and Madhva...
Shri Hemantha kumar, Advocate, asked: I am very much interested in the correlation of three philosophies of Shankara, Ramanuja and Madhva (Trimata Samanvaya). Can you give it to me?
Shri Swami Replied: Shankara told monism (Advaita) between God and soul preaching that both are one and the same. Madhva told Dualism (Dvaita) between God and soul preaching that both are totally different since God is the master and the soul is His servant. Ramanuja told an intermediate state of special monism (Vishishta Advaita) existing between monism and dualism stating that God and soul are inseparable...
Vedānta philosophers say that Brahman is the goal whereas, the Śākteyas say that Śakti is the goal. How can both these views be correlated? [This question is part of a mahā satsaṅga or a great spiritual discussion between Swami and several devotees who had come from various places, seeking the clarification of their doubts.]
Swami replied: There is only one ultimate absolute reality. It is the unimaginable God, who is called Parabrahman or Brahman. This ultimate God, being unimaginable, is neither masculine nor feminine nor neuter in gender. God is referred to as masculine, only as per convention. The concept of gender exists only in the imaginable creation. Brahman does not mean male and Śakti does not mean female. Brahman refers...
Shri Phani asked: In our latest spiritual discussion, we were discussing about the meanings of words like Brahman, Īśvara and Ātman, in spiritual knowledge. Can you please enlighten us on this topic?
Swami replied: O Learned and Devoted Servants of God! Every word has different meanings. Based on the context, you have to select the proper meaning. The word president can mean the president of an entire country as well as the president of a tiny village in the country. Both are addressed as president by the public. When you are discussing the article in the constitution that puts the president above the jurisdiction of the courts of law...
1)Taṭasthāvettṛ vedokteḥ, Prasthānatraya bṛṃhaṇāt |
Pratyakṣārtha vibhūtibhyaḥ, nohya mastīti niścitam ||
[There is some entity, which is unimaginable and which is decided as the source of practically perceived miracles in this world. Such unimaginable entity is said to be the creator, maintainer and destroyer of this creation by the three authoritative scriptures of spiritual knowledge called “Prasthānatrayam”. The references in these three authorities are:- 1) The Brahmasūtrams saying that this entity...
1. Tadeka masṛja ccedaṃ, nohyaṃ śaktyā hi nohyayā |
Nohyānā mekataḥ śaktiḥ, Parabrahmaiva kevalam ||
[The unimaginable God created this world from nothing and without the help of any second thing. Immediately, we think that the unimaginable God must have created this world with His unimaginable power. Since the power is also unimaginable, we cannot distinguish the boundaries of the possessor of power or unimaginable God and the unimaginable power, and we have to forcibly agree that the only one unimaginable God called as unimaginable...
1. Ākāśaṃ śūnya māhuḥ ke, sāpekṣaṃ dravyaśaktisat |
Parasya sattayā syāttu, jagato'pekṣayā na saḥ ||
Some say that space is absence of any existent thing, which is called as ‘emptiness’ or ‘void’ or ‘vacuum’. These people say that space is nothing or non-existent and is relatively existent only with reference to the existence of matter and energy. For these people, space is just conventional with respect to the rest world. This means that when matter and energy disappear, space also disappears spontaneously. With reference to the absolute existence...
1. Vedoktamekato'nyasya, ramaṇaṃ rājava dvibhoḥ |
Mānuṣa Brahmaṇor bhedāt, kālakṣepo na kevalam||
[Scholars say that the Veda clearly states that God alone existed before the creation and thought of creating this universe to get entertainment to get rid of the boredom of loneliness (Ekākī na ramate sa dvitīyamaicchat). In this context, scholars say that even though God...
1) Cit bhinna yantra vaividhyāt, na jaḍo daiva dānataḥ |
Ajñālpajña sarvajñau, sraṣṭā na kvaci deṣa hi ||
[Only one fundamental energy is appearing in different work forms like light, sound etc., in different functioning equipment (like bulb, phone etc., respectively). The same inert energy becoming a specific work form in a specific functioning brain-nervous system is called as awareness. The point is that while all forms of inert energy are inert, why is this specific form of inert energy called awareness...
Padanamaskaram Swami, Shri Kishore ram asked the following questions: Q1. I am confused between Maya and Mula Maya. In some discourses Swami mentioned God/Parabrahman is charged only with Pure Awareness which is Mula Maya...
Swami replied: Parabrahman is the original unimaginable God. This unimaginable God wished to create this world for entertainment as per the Veda. This wish is the source of creation. The creation or the world is Maya (Mayamtu prakrutim... Gita). Mula maya means...
[This is a continuation of the question and answer session on Guru Purnima.]
6. The three philosophies of Shankara, Ramanuja and Madhva differ from each other as we see the disputes and arguments among their followers. How to bring unity among these three main philosophies?
The aim of the preacher is not only the exposure of truth but also upliftment of the people from their existing levels. If exposure of truth alone is the aim, there is no difference between these three preachers. The final 100th step is the absolute common goal for all the preachers. When Shankara came, people were standing on the ground and Shankara will not show the 100th step seeing which all the people will be discouraged
The single truth will appear in different ways with different concepts simultaneously correct according to different receivers. The same lady appears as wife, sister and mother simultaneously to her husband, brother and son. Similarly, the same truth is taken as monism, qualified monism and dualism by different levels of devotees, which are represented by Shankara, Ramanuja and Madhva respectively. The truth or the object is the human incarnation about which different devotees have different levels of views...
[Vijayadashami Day] Shri Ajay asked: “Lord Shiva is said to be the husband of Goddess Durga, Who is the primordial power (Adi Shakti) and from Whom Goddess Saraswati, Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess Parvati emerged out. Again, Lord Shiva is said to be the husband of Goddess Parvati only. How to reconcile this concept?”
Swami replied: This is a good question, which is relevant to Vijayadashami the festival of today related to Goddess Durga. We can understand anything perfectly provided you know the essential meanings for which these personified names stand. Adi Shakti means the first item of the creation...
[Dr. Nikhil asked: Padanamaskarams Swamiji, I feel the following two verses from the Kaṭha Upaniṣad (3.10–3.11) clearly indicate that awareness is not the ultimate God.
indriyebhyaḥ parā hyarthā arthebhyaśca paraṃ manaḥ .
manasastu parā buddhirbuddherātmā mahān paraḥ .. 10..
mahataḥ paramavyaktamavyaktātpuruṣaḥ paraḥ...
[Part-1] (Answers to the questions of Dr. Nikhil sent through E-mail under head line “Background of first wish is unimaginable God” etc.)
(To be Studied Very Slowly with High Alertness and Lot of Patience)
Introduction Before Clarifications
1) First, we have to accept that any item of creation at any stage is only the divine will (wish) of the unimaginable God only. The quotation from the scripture for this is that all this creation is only the will of the God (Ichcha Maatram Prabhoh Srustih). Hence, the creation is only His will at any instance of...
This is a long discourse, meant for readers interested in an elaborate logical analysis. It is related to an apparent limitation of Shri Datta Swami’s refutation of the currently-understood Advaita theory. In the section titled ‘The Advaitin’s Perspective’, Dr. Nikhil claims, on behalf of Advaitins that Swami, while refuting the currently-understood Advaita in His previous writings, has not taken into account the exact position of Advaitins on the relation between God and the soul. In the section ‘Introductory Points’, Swami begins with certain introductory points that are necessary to understand His detailed refutation. The section ‘Refutation of Misconceived Advaita’ consisting of 42 points is the actual detailed refutation of the currently-understood Advaita theory. In it, Swami addresses all the new objections raised by Dr. Nikhil. Finally, Swami concludes with 15 concluding points in the ‘Conclusions’ section, wherein it is evident that Swami’s refutation of the currently-understood Advaita and overall His philosophy prevail...
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