Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 16 Aug 2023


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Should we treat the human component in Human incarnation also as God?

[Dr. Jsr Prasad asked:- Sāṣṭāṅga praṇāmas Swami, You told that both God component and human being component exist in the human incarnation. You also told that God merges perfectly with the human being component and becomes the human being component also and for this reason, we have to treat the human form also as God. Please elaborate on this point. --At Your holy lotus feet]

Swami Replied:- God created this world and entered it. Some say that God has entered the world as souls because God is awareness. But, in God, awareness exists as unimaginable awareness because of the absence of inert energy and a materialized nervous system before creation. If every soul is God, there is no trace of proof for it because there are atheists, who say that God is absent. Since every soul is God, does this mean that God as an atheistic soul is scolding Himself? Demons also must be God if every soul is God. In view of so many objections, every soul is not God. Then, how did God enter? God entered the creation as energetic incarnation in the upper world and as human incarnation on earth. The energetic being or human being is not God before God entered the medium and merged with it perfectly. Thus, energetic incarnations are formed in the upper energetic worlds and human incarnations appeared on the earth like Rama, Krishna, Sai Baba etc. Neither we say that every soul is God nor do we say that no soul is God. A specific soul selected by God for the sake of some welfare work for humanity, the human incarnation is resulting purely by the will of God only. The Veda says that God created the world, entered the world and remained as God while simultaneously becoming the human being (Sa idaṃ sarvamasṛjata, tat sṛṣṭvā tadevānuprāviśat, tadanupraviśya sat ca tyat ca abhavat). Sat means absolute reality or the unimaginable God, called Parabrahman or Brahman. Tyat means that it is other than Sat, which is other than God, which is this creation and which is relative reality (inherently unreal but became absolutely real due to the gifted absolute reality from God for the sake of His real entertainment).

This means that while God remaining as His inherently absolute reality, simultaneously, God also becomes relative reality. This relative reality is a part of the creation or the medium charged by God. There is no contradiction because the relative reality or medium has become absolute reality already by the absolute reality gifted by God to the entire world. Since this medium is part of the entire world, this medium becomes absolutely real just like the world became absolute real. The world is called ‘relatively real’ because its gifted absolute reality is not its inherent characteristic. Hence, the relative reality can never contradict the absolute reality of God and God can perform any miracle in relative reality. One absolute reality can never do any miracle in another absolute reality. Based on this logic, God remaining as absolute reality can become simultaneously relative reality.

All this means that the medium charged by God is also absolute reality and when the absolute reality merges with the relative reality or medium, it becomes double absolute reality! Hence, you shall never doubt that the medium or human being component is not absolute reality or God. It is the will of the omnipotent God and there is nothing impossible in the case of the unimaginable God and from this point of view also, the human being component becomes the God component. In the Gita, it is clearly told that the son of Vasudeva is the absolute God and a person, who realizes this concept is the greatest and very rare (Vāsudeva ssarvamiti sa mahatmā sudurlabhaḥ). Such a realized person is very rare because he has crossed the influence of ego and jealousy towards co-human forms. Krishna, the human incarnation stressed everywhere throughout the Gita that Arjuna shall worship Krishna and never told Arjuna to worship God. The reason is that Krishna Himself being God, worshipping Krishna and worshiping God cannot be two separate points.

God is unimaginable and is just like invisible current. You cannot see the current as a stream of electrons flowing without the wire. The current charges the wire merging with it perfectly so that the electrified wire itself is the current. Wherever you touch the wire, the property of the current (shock) is experienced. Hence, one shall not doubt the external human form as different from God. This perfect union is called as Advaitam. Shankara clearly proved that He alone is God (Śivaḥ kevalo'ham) by drinking molten lead and He also proved that other souls (His disciples) were not God since they failed to drink molten lead. This is the clear and practical Advaita philosophy of Shankara, which is like a concept of science as theoretical and simultaneously practical due to the associated experiment in the laboratory. He may tell 100 things and you might have heard all those statements from Shankara. That is theory only but the theory followed by practical experiment is valid as science. Such scientific concept explained in theory and proved practically by experiment is the drinking of molten lead (experiment) followed by the correct concluded theoretical concept, which is that He proved that He alone is God, Who stated the same conclusion by His own words “I alone am Shiva”.

Whatever He told in commentaries was not experimentally proved by Him. He told all those commentaries to convert atheists into theism through a logical trick in three steps: i) You are God. ii) You exist and iii) Therefore, God exists. His experiment along with His practical conclusion and the elaborate commentary are mutually contradicting each other. But, the contradiction can be removed by telling that His experimental conclusion is correct whereas, the other side of theoretical commentary was with a specific purpose like converting atheists into theism.
