Shri Dattaguru Bhagavat Gita: Shiva Khanda: Chapter-12
Song of Preacher – God Shri Datta
Part-3: Shiva Khanda (Part of Shiva)
Chapter 12 - SHRI DATTA SEVAKAJĪVANMUKTI YOGAḤ (Vision of Alive Salvation of Servants of Shri Datta)
Disciple of Datta (Datta Swami) spoke:-
- O divine preacher! People in this world are always fond of happiness to be achieved from the relief of worldly miseries. In such case, how these people will approach You on hearing that You are giving further miseries to them in the form of severe tests? They will naturally approach You in other divine forms only with a view that they will be relieved from miseries if such divine forms are worshipped.
God-preacher Shri Datta spoke:-
- I am not creating miseries separately for the tests to be done for My devotees. All this is illusion created by My illusory power called as Maayaa. Even this is done by My will only. The actual secret is that I am very kind, very liberal and very easily approachable to any soul. When I give materialistic boons, those are of very high value. I also respond very quickly to remove the miseries of the soul. But, apart from these temporary issues, I try to preach the spiritual knowledge so that the soul will also think about permanent spiritual issues. I never conduct tests at once as a formality. I conduct the tests when the soul is overconfident in not taking immediate measures. I use the fruits of bad deeds to be enjoyed by the soul in the same time even in the absence of My test. Kaartaviirya approached Me with defective hands, which were lost when kicked by Me. In that time, even otherwise, Kaartaviirya has to lose both his hands by falling from the top of his palace, in which case, he couldn’t have the chance of getting thousand hands. Even if he fails in the test, there is nothing loss by losing his hands, which have to be lost in some other way. Loss of hands due to Me has at least, a chance of getting thousand hands by My grace on passing the test. Had he lost his hands in some other way, there is no chance of getting even the two hands and not to speak of thousand hands throughout his life.
- The devotee while being tested by Me feels that he lost his two hands due to Me only and thinks that otherwise, he would have retained at least, his two defective hands. I make him to think in this way since I am testing his faith on Me. If he thinks that it is a test and that he will get thousand hands, if passed, certainly, he will move earth and heaven to pass the test! I select only such hopeful devotees to approach Me and not every Tom, Dick and Harry. The devotees, who have the hope of chance of passing the test only are selected by Me. My devotees are always very few in number since they are gems of very high spiritual level. Hence, I never aspire that everybody shall approach Me and exploit Me to get rid of their miseries. I am not a politician aspiring for majority of followers. I am the top most professor in the top most research work of spiritual field with a few research students working under Me.
- Kaartaviirya didn’t leave Me on losing his both hands. He also doesn’t know that I damaged him just for the test only and that he will get thousand hands shortly on passing the test. The atmosphere created was very critical and sensitive without any trace of hope to get back the broken two hands.
- Kaartaviirya served Me with his head in absence of both the hands. He didn’t know that serving Me by head is My test and that shortly I will be pleased with him to give his hands. He was prepared to serve Me throughout his life with his head only since he approached Me with real devotion and the future is not at all known to him in the real test.
- Since he was prepared to serve Me throughout his life with his head even in the absence of hands and this fact is known to Me due to My omniscience, I immediately granted him thousand hands. If a false devotee acts real devotion, an ordinary human preacher with limited external knowledge may not know it and may be trapped by his ticklish devotion. Unless the devotion is true, I will not react and nobody can fool Me, the omniscient God.
- Even if a devotee approaches other forms of Me, is he succeeding in getting the two defective hands rectified by his false devotion? The policy of any divine form is one and the same. The approaching methods and dealing tactics may differ from others, but, the ultimate policy is one and the same. You will not have this doubt if You realize that all divine forms are just My external dresses of different acting roles only and I am the one, the one, the one and the one actor only in all these divine roles.
- The role is just the inert dress, which is unable to understand anything. When I merge with a soul, such soul (awareness) also becomes inert energy only to become just like its inert body, which is the dress only. In My absence, the soul can be non-inert awareness having freedom to understand and think. Even then, there is no use since such soul can’t remove the miseries of another soul. Only ash will fall down if two saints rub each other!
- My right half is the divine preacher, which is more important by giving the correct direction to the soul forever in all the future births including the present birth. My left half is Maayaa, called as Bhagavaan (Bhaga means miraculous power in confined sense, though in broad sense it means six divine qualities) having miraculous powers solving the problems of the soul limited to this birth only. I am completely called as preacher-God Datta or Guru-Bhagavaan.
- When one approaches Me, I immediately open his file and seriously plan about permanent solutions about his eternal future. I start negotiations with his lenders and enemies to bring a compromise so that he will be freed from all bonds forever. Major part of his punishments is taken by Me and he has to suffer a very minor part only. Without knowing all this background, he thinks that difficulties started as soon as he approached Me! As soon as I sit in his house, I open all his pronotes to call all the lenders for compromise-payments and I pay from My pocket all the major part. A very less negligible minor part falls on his pocket and this is due to absence of complete perfection in him. Due to a trace of imperfection, a trace of punishment proportionally must be given to the soul.
- A devotee selected by Me only becomes close to Me. Even if he is defeated in the test, he will shortly rectify the reasons and will pass that test in the next attempt. Tests are only for the rectification of weaknesses and for removal of overconfidence in a specific direction. I will help My devotee at every step and see that he reaches the ultimate goal.
- Ignorance is the main reason of imperfection. Ignorance about Me present in human form is of one type. Ignorance of valuable spiritual issues resulting in their negligence and ignorance of valueless materialistic issues resulting in their importance is another type. At the time of death, the real values of all the issues appear on the screen of mind as per My direction. In the last minute, truth is realised, but, there is no time for rectification. When enough time existed for rectification, realization doesn’t come. This is the total problem of the entire scene.
- The filtration of candidates is gradually done by the three subsequent tests of Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra. Intensity of the test increases gradually and the percentage of candidates appearing for the test remaining after dropouts also decreases as the tests appear one after the other. A test shows You the real position in which You exist and removes Your illusion that You are in the higher spiritual level. Some souls think that those are God inherently. A simple practical test reveals its true position. Unless true position is realized, the progress will not be systematic.
- The final test with climax intensity reveals that a soul deserves to become the medium of My incarnation. If there is no need of incarnation, I shall become its servant, which is higher position than incarnation. All this is Nivrutti, in which a very few souls are only interested like precious and rare diamonds. The great lot of devotees is interested in Pravrutti only, in which the worldly problems are mainly solved. All the suffering in the tests is the fruits of sins to be enjoyed in that time itself even in other ways. Hence, I never create any new suffering, which is not in the list or which is not to be enjoyed in that time. I am only using the punishment to be enjoyed in this moment itself as My test to show Your real position and remove imaginary assumptions, which help You to plan Your program now itself based on grounds of reality.
- Salvation means simply liberation. Generally, devotees pray God for salvation. But, they don’t know from what they desire the salvation! The word salvation is a general word. When You specify the item from which You desire the salvation or liberation, the meaning of the word salvation changes from one item to other from which liberation is desired.
- Generally, the desire of majority of people is to get liberation from the worldly miseries and tensions while the soul is alive in this world. This is the ‘Jiivanmukti’ or liberation from worldly miseries while alive. Several scholars suggest meditation in the name of Yoga to get such salvation. But, as soon as the meditation is over, again miseries are attacking and hence, this is not the remedy at the root level. It is only a temporary first aid treatment for the wound caused by miseries. It is just like putting wet cloth to lower the temperature of the body caused by fever, which is due to infection from germs. The root level treatment is to kill the germs by using antibiotic medicines.
- Similarly, You have to analyse to root cause of the misery, which is the punishment stipulated by the constitution of God for the sins done by the soul in the past births and present birth. These sins are done due to uncontrolled excessive fascinations to self and own family members. If the fascination to self and family is in controlled level, sins are certainly avoided. The only way to reduce family fascinations is to develop more fascination to some other item and that item can be none other than God. The personality of God is also more attractive if all the details about God are thoroughly obtained from spiritual knowledge. The servant of God propagating spiritual knowledge in the world gets more and more digestion of it, which develops more and more fascination towards God.
- The fascination towards family bonds is real due to practical sacrifice done to these in the service of these bonds. A real fascination to God can be identified when it weakens the other real fascination to self and family. The reality is proved by the practical service done to the family. Such real fascination to the family can be cut only by another real fascination to God, which is the practical service to God. Reality of love lies in the practical sacrifice of service and sacrifice of fruit of work only. Hence, the servant of self and family gradually becomes the servant of God. Such diversion of fascination through service from family to God can alone control the sins so that the liberation from miseries while alive becomes possible.
- As the sacrifice through service increases more and more, the climax of devotion appears for the servant of God. Then, he becomes fully engaged in the service of God so that there is no time and energy to think about doing a sin for the benefit of self and family. In such case, there is no place for sin and misery in the life of the soul and this type of salvation has full proof from all sides. This is the salvation in Pravrutti attained through Nivrutti.
- Another type of salvation from miseries is getting reformation of the soul and not doing any sin from today onwards so that God cancels all the pending punishments provided the reformation is real forever. This is getting salvation from miseries through Pravrutti itself. The fruit for this salvation and above said salvation is one and the same as far as salvation from miseries, while alive, is concerned. But, in the former salvation a real advantage of having bond with God is achieved as a separate profit. In the latter salvation, avoiding loss by avoiding miseries is obtained. Of course, avoiding loss is also a type of profit only. But, the latter salvation is real substantial profit, which is achieved by the real devotee of God or the servant of God alone.
- There was very good control of sins in the souls in ancient times since much concentration on the spiritual line was given. When I came as human incarnation called as Rama, there was no need for Me to exhibit miracles since every soul had natural control over sins. I simply exhibited the ideal behaviour of a human soul in this world and all the people respected it since they were following the same ideal behaviour.
- When I came as Krishna, the ideal behaviour of human being is lost to some extent and attraction for miracles increased in souls, which were aspiring the help from God in cancelling the sins done by them. Today, the condition is worst since souls are only attracted to the miracles of God aspiring His help in getting success in doing sins due to over fascination to self and family! These ignorant people don’t understand that such unjust materialistic progress doesn’t give happiness to them or to their families. In addition, miseries have to be faced for the sins done.
- As Rama, I left the kingdom and went to forests indicating that God alone is the king and the soul shouldn’t aspire for the position of God. When My left half (Shakti) asked My right half, the preacher (Shiva) for the path to cross this worldly ocean (taarakam), the preacher-half said that the path of Rama shall be followed, which is not to have aspiration for the kingship of God. Hanuman had miraculous powers, but, became the servant of Rama, who didn’t exhibit any miraculous power. This means that miracles are not necessary for theists, who must concentrate on the good qualities of God only.
- Monism of God with the soul is to be given by God only and no effort of the soul is needed in that direction. Monism results due to the will of God and not due to the effort of the soul. The result of monism is human incarnation in which God descended down (Avataara) by His will and not human being ascended up by its effort. Some false preachers say that You become God when You know that You are God! They give the example of gold chain already present in Your neck, which was thought to be lost by Your ignorance. When You are reminded about the chain already present in Your neck, You feel as if You have freshly attained it. Such lie was adopted by Shankara in order to convert atheist in to theist, which was inevitable in that time.
- Shankara was the incarnation of God and God Himself told like that and therefore, He is not insulting God. The soul other than God shall not speak like that, which is insulting God since it means that God has no role in becoming human incarnation. In that time, almost every soul was strong atheist following the atheistic Purvamiimaamsaa or atheistic Buddhism. Such statement of Shankara was very much attractive since every soul thinks that it has to attain a treasure of wealth already buried in his house and one has to get it just by digging only.
- Such initial attraction is very much essential to provoke every soul into spiritual path. The soul takes lot of interest in studying the spiritual knowledge more and more and finally comes out as real servant of God! The LKG student is given chocolates to send him to the school. After long time, he comes out as a PG degree holder. Starting with Shankara by saying that he is God, one ends with Madhva by saying that he is the servant of God.
- As per the level of the receiver, concept must be modified without harming the basic truth. By saying that soul is God, Shankara was trying to make atheist to accept at least the existence of God in the very first step so that further steps can be preached as the soul rises to higher levels. Except this one path (that You exist, You are God and hence, God exists), there is no other path to convince the strong atheist so that he has to speak that God exists (since he is God and since he exists). Without understanding the then atmosphere, one shouldn’t be haste to say that Shankara is an atheist, who said that God other than soul doesn’t exist. For becoming God, He recommended worship of God to purify the mind in the next step, which clearly proves that His intension is that God to be worshiped is different from the worshipping soul.
- Without My permission none can give anything to You and also none can harm You. My permission is the basic rule. As per My constitution, only fruits are given to You by the deities of the planets. These deities of planets are doing My administration of giving fruits of the deeds to the souls. Astronomy dealing with physical planets is different from astrology dealing with the deities of planets having unimaginable powers given by God.
- Blessings from any human being can’t cancel the punishment of sin. Curse from any human being can’t cancel the fruit of good deed. When You are getting the fruit of good deed, accidentally the blessings may coincide. When You are getting the fruit of sin, the curse given by a human being may coincide. No human being has the power to go against My constitution.
- Ravana cheated Rama in stealing Sita and Duryodhana cheated Dharma Raja in stealing his wealth. My constitution or the deity of justice punished both the cheats. A human being can cheat another human being. How it can dare to think of cheating the omniscient and omnipotent God? Neither in Pravrutti nor in Nivrutti can I be cheated by any soul. You shall be frank and sincere at least before Me in any matter.
- Dhrutaraashtra did several sins for the sake of his son, Duryodhana and went to hell for the blind fascination. When the external gross body is left here, Duryodhana didn’t recognize his father in the hell. If this one point is digested, no soul will do any sin. Remember that Your people will not recognize You at all and will not share Your sin for whom You are doing so much sin.
- I am the protector of this deity of justice surrendered to Me in the form of cow. I am called as Gopaala or the protector of cow for this reason only. Under any circumstances, I will protect justice and destroy injustice. Justice is the meaning of My constitution. Injustice is violation of My constitution. Even if You scold Me, I will not react as long as You don’t violate My constitution. If You are following My constitution, You are actually the theist only in real sense. Only people, who want to violate My constitution secretly deny My existence so that they like avoiding its punishment given by Me in unimaginable way.
- Even if You are My devotee, Your enemy will not be punished by Me if You have harmed him previously. Even if You are not My devotee, I will punish Your enemy if You have not harmed him previously. You may ask Me about the use of Your devotion. Such devotion based on aspirations for fruits is not true devotion. If I do injustice due to Your devotion, I will be deeply pained. As devotee, will You pain Me? You must aspire My happiness only in true devotion.
- No soul can be beyond the cycle of deeds even if he is My servant. Only I am beyond the cycle since I am rotating this cycle. Even My dearest soul shall be controlled by the cycle of deeds to do My work in this world. My servant escapes the cycle of injustice and enters the cycle of justice. This is not escaping the cycle of deeds.
- ‘I’ is ego and ‘My’ is the fascination. If one disappears, the other also disappears since one can’t live without the other. If You are fascinated to Me, the ‘I’ will never become pride and exists in suppressed state only. Mere existence of ‘I’ (basic ego) is not dangerous at all and shall exist also as the normal temperature of the body, which shall neither go up as overconfidence nor come down as under-confidence.
- Kaartaviirya forgot both these ‘I’ and ‘My’ as long as he was immersed in My service. As he was blessed by Me with thousand hands and left Me, both ‘I’ and ‘My’ awoke destroying him permanently. Hence, be always in My service to avoid Your total destruction. When You don’t expect anything from Me, I will give all the boons like the thousand hands.
- This cycle of deeds is helping My test. As per this cycle, even I can’t cancel any punishment. Basing on this, none approaches Me for escaping the punishment. Only a real devotee approaches Me. Why shall I get a bad name by cancelling the clauses of My own constitution? Even if I do so, in the case of a soul, it is only destroying the soul and not really helping it. Your picture about Me is based on the speed of Your irrational ambition only.
- Truth, kindness and peace are the three heads of the deity of justice. Falsehood, cruelty and violence are the three heads of the demon injustice. To protect the justice, I always punish the injustice and help the souls following justice. Illegal sex, violence and greediness are the three main gates of hell. If You are constantly aware of these three gates, You will not be able to do the sin.
- My original nature is peace, which is the characteristic of the position after climbing the ladder of yoga (yogārūḍhasya… Gita). Bliss is power and peace is its controlling boundary. Peace is greater than bliss. Equal enjoyment of both sweet and hot dishes is yoga, which is achieved by My grace only. My grace appears when You become close to Me in our association. Our association is the root meaning of yoga. Closeness with Me comes through Your real devotion to Me only.
- Some scholars argue that bliss is the highest plane, which is not correct. Yoga is higher than bliss and peace is higher than yoga. Here, bliss refers to happiness of soul. The ultimate bliss lies with God and bliss of God shall be the highest goal of the soul, which is not selfish bliss. The word ‘Aum’ indicates the ultimate God. Such word is always associated with ‘Shantih’ or peace. I have established this world like an industrialist establishing an industry. The industrialist always aspires for the peaceful administration of the industry. Similarly, I always aspire the peaceful administration of this world. The servant of the industrialist works for it due to high respects and maximum love towards his Master- industrialist. If You work in this line, You will be My dearest servant. The basis of Your work must be Your love to Me and not mere love to the world.
- Don’t be foolish to pray Me for My help to Your children. They are Your children in this birth only whereas they were My children, including You for millions and millions of births continuously without any break. Keeping Yourself as the basic one foot scale, You can’t even measure My concern about them. I always do the best for any soul even if it misunderstands and scolds Me. Don’t be disturbed to maintain these few children for this one birth. How many children are maintained by Me for the past millions and millions of births?
- You must be always yogi (Tasmāt yogī bhava… Gita). Either in Pravrutti or in Nivrutti, yoga is essential. Yoga means preservation of energy and time. By this only, You will be efficient to do any necessary work in Pravrutti or to do My service in Nivrutti. Wasting time and energy for unnecessary directions must be strictly controlled. You can’t reach the goal in Pravrutti or Nivrutti without the help of yoga.
- Peace helps yoga. Peace controls emotions in happiness and misery. Yoga helps Your efficiency from the beginning even while hearing the spiritual knowledge. Yoga helps the devotion also by controlling theoretical emotions and implementing the same time and energy in practical devotion, which alone is true love to please God. Yoga also means avoiding unnecessary losses so that the saved energy of efficiency can be diverted to right direction by which profits are attained.
- I am the ocean of peace without any waves of disturbance. How can You claim that You are Myself when You are disturbed in every minute? You can’t even say that You are My part (Amsha) also. You want to become Myself! Do You know what it means? You become the head of this entire world, which is becoming Your family. When You are so much disturbed to maintain Your petty family, how much will You be disturbed to maintain this entire world as Your family! For this reason only, I am not giving monism to You in real sense even though You are dreaming for it.
- A person is rotated in a big wheel in circus and is enjoying the rotation. He must avoid fear and tension in that rotation. You must enjoy similarly by moving in this biggest wheel of deeds of creation without miseries. Miseries can be avoided only by non-repetition of sin in practice from today onwards. Such non-repetition is possible if fascination to Yourself and to Your family is controlled, which can be done by at least diverting a part of Your fascination to God. Diversion of fascination to some item other than God will not solve the problem completely. When Your fascination is diverted to Me, My grace will fall on You to help Your effort become successful. Then only, You attain My yoga through which I am entertaining Myself moving along with You in the same life cycle as human incarnation. A Yogi will not have any tension in birth, in the entire life and in the death, which are common to Me also in the states of My incarnations.
- By yoga, You become more energetic with more time leftover. The quality of peace should control it without dissipation in unnecessary ways like a monkey jumping. This is the secret in the saying of elders that You shall worship Rama after the worship of Hanuman. Peace will make You to do proper analysis to find right direction so that the time and energy can be spent in right way. Money of a rich man is also a form of energy only.
- When I enter a human soul, You can recognize Me by the peace possessed and expressed by Me. Peace is the indication of successful implementation of Yoga. Some people find peace by thinking that they are God. Such thinking is not a sin since it helps the soul to come out of disturbance. After coming out, the soul shall continue the nature of God everywhere. God is the supporter of justice and destroyer of injustice. The soul shall follow this nature throughout life time. Though this is imitating God without actually becoming God, God is pleased with such soul and grant the desire as early as possible. Monism can be used in coming out of disturbance, but, shall be implemented in other places also. Can such soul using the monism to get peace from disturbance extend it to come out of limited family fascinations and treat this entire world as his family, which is also the nature of God?
- Leaving the world is not salvation, which is called as death only. Salvation is not linked to death. Foolish souls think that death will give the eternal salvation and commit suicide. After suicide, they become ghosts and suffer million times more by wandering in this world itself for some time, which is extra bonus apart from the usual suffering in the hell for other sins. The human life is the most precious boon given by God to the soul. If one becomes a real devotee of God, he will cross all the problems in a fraction of second and a minute is too much for this petty temporary issue! The soul must use this human life in the service of God and such determination itself will solve any worldly problem.
- Monism must avoid extreme ends, which is the middle golden path. Neither every soul is God nor You can say that no soul becomes God. Only a few selected souls by God become the media of human incarnations. In fact, God becomes the soul and the soul doesn’t become God. Conversion of unimaginable God into imaginable soul is possible to unimaginable God only. Imaginable soul has no unimaginable power to become unimaginable God. Human incarnation is purely the will of God, which appears only when there is a need of some work to be done for welfare of the souls in this world. My real servant, who proves his real love to Me through practical sacrifice of service, is greater than human incarnation. When there was a fight between Rama and Hanuman, Rama was defeated by Hanuman. The salvation while alive is really possible in the case of My real servant only.
- First, the soul must practice to avoid unnecessary expenditure of time and energy (money is also a form of energy) and preserve both for necessary expenditure in right direction. Basic worldly responsibilities like earning for the lively hood of self and family etc., must be accomplished, which are inevitable. The rest time and energy shall be dedicated to develop true devotion to God and to do the service of God without aspiration for fruit. As the service to God increases more and more with real love to God, I will enter the picture to do even his basic responsibilities so that My servant and his family will never be put to any loss on both materialistic and spiritual sides.
- Cinemas show the salvation of a soul by a scene in which the liberated soul is moving freely in the white clouds in the sky! If that is the liberation, white clouds can be created by a gas pipe in a garden and if the human being moves in it, that shall be salvation while alive! Even I can create the real clouds in the sky so that liberated soul can move there for some time. Did the soul get the real salvation? Salvation means liberation of the soul from miseries and tensions either alive or after death and liberation from fascinations to limited family. The liberation of the soul from the worldly bonds (detachment) is expected to give the measure of attachment to God like the observation of the height of the scale rod remaining in the air above the water gives the depth of the water indirectly. Salvation from worldly bonds shall be a spontaneous consequence of the attachment to God. Without attachment to God, mere detachment from world is not only useless but also impossible. Such detachment from worldly bonds based on the attachment to God alone can effectively prevent You to do sins.
- Salvation is generally misunderstood as the disappearance of soul by merging with Me. Some others misunderstand the salvation as enjoyment of heavenly pleasures forever in the upper world. Both these concepts are wrong. Salvation means detachment from worldly bonds attained as a spontaneous consequence of attachment to Me through real love. Salvation obtained in the life continues after death also. If salvation is not attained in the life, it can’t be attained after death. The reason is that upper worlds are only the places to enjoy Your fruits (Bhoga Loka) and not the places for doing any spiritual effort like this earth (karmaloka). The best solution for all the problems is only to develop real love to Me and to do My work of propagation of My spiritual knowledge here, without aspiring any fruit in return.
Twelveth chapter is completed.
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