Shri Dattaguru Bhagavat Gita: Shiva Khanda: Chapter-11
(Song of Preacher – God Shri Datta)
Part-3: Shiva Khanda (Part of Shiva)
Chapter 11 – DATTA JÑĀNA PRACĀRA YOGAḤ (Vision of Propagation of Knowledge of Datta)
God-preacher Shri Datta spoke:-
- After hearing the knowledge, You must think and analyse it to get conformation. When You are confirmed in it, You must implement it in practice. Confirmation means digestion of knowledge. Propagation of the knowledge helps digestion like walking and exercises help digestion of food. More the digestion, more will be practice. More practice means more grace of God. Hence, don’t think that propagation is to help others. In such disguise, it is only helping Yourself.
- Knowledge doesn’t mean mere awareness. It also doesn’t mean knowledge of worldly issues. It means spiritual knowledge alone, which can help the soul in both worldly life and spiritual life. If You take care of spiritual life, the pleased God will protect You in the worldly life also, in which, You will be in far better place than others, who concentrate on worldly life only. For God, giving You spiritual life is like giving You food whereas giving worldly life is like giving water along with meals. The interests of souls differ from one to other. In one place, You can get good water, in other place You get salt water and in some other place You don’t get any water. Similarly, one soul has interest in God without aspiring for fruit. Another soul has interest in God with aspiration for fruit. Some other soul (atheist) has no interest in God.
- The Veda says that God is true, infinite and excellent knowledge (Satyaṃ Jñānam..., Prajñānam...). The adjectives indicate that the knowledge of God is the best. This doesn’t mean that knowledge is God. This means that God is personified knowledge. Whenever a quality is in excess, the person possessing that quality is mentioned as that quality itself. In Sadguru or human incarnation, God identifies Himself with the human being-component and hence, Sadguru is the spiritual knowledge itself meaning that He is the personified spiritual knowledge.
- When Sadguru propagates the spiritual knowledge, it is only to help others since for Him there is no need of any help. Any human being propagating the true spiritual knowledge, clearing the doubts of all the souls is the human incarnation, which is its unique identification. The soul must know that spiritual knowledge alone gives him right direction in the spiritual path, which is essential for its eternal uplift.
- Propagation means engaging oneself in spiritual discussions with people having similar interest. A small circle is always the best, which is the middle path between extreme loneliness (analysing knowledge by sitting alone) and extreme crowd. Such small circle gives real life to the knowledge. Interest doesn’t continue for a long time if You are alone. Interest is disturbed in a crowd.
- Attaining spiritual knowledge and its propagation is the quality of Sattvam. Attaining worldly knowledge and propagating that worldly work alone is the ultimate - is Rajas. Avoiding spiritual knowledge and worldly work by involving in worldly enjoyments only - is Tamas.
- Vikarma means overactivity in worldly issues due to selfishness and unlimited ambition leading to doing sins. Activity and ambition for own family are related to Rajas (Rajaḥ karmaṇi..., Rajaso lobha eva ca...). Inactivity or Akarma due to laziness and ambition for self only is Tamas.
- The work involved in spiritual knowledge alone is called as karma or dharma. The soul must avoid Vikarma or Rajas and Akarma or Tamas. Activity or karma is theoretical devotion and practical devotion without aspiration for any fruit whereas inactivity or akarma is theoretical devotion without practical devotion aspiring for every practical fruit. Wrong activity or vikarma is practical devotion with aspiration for practical fruit. In akarma, there is no practical activity (karma) except the aspiration for fruit, which is also theoretical only. In vikarma, there is practical activity (karma), but it has become wrong due to aspiration for fruit.
- Karma is the word used in every activity in general. Hence, the above said karma is specifically used by a new word, karma yoga. Yoga, here, means the activity associated with God. The word Yoga also means mere association in general. The meaning of this word shall be taken as per the context. No single meaning shall be extended to all the contexts.
- The fundamental step of propagation is hearing from Sadguru, which is the sacrifice or jnana yajna in real sense. Sadguru is the performer of sacrifice and the ghee poured is His statement. The fire is the soul (awareness). The sticks in the fire are the interest. The black smoke going out of the fire is the ignorance. This is the actual sacrifice and not the foolish misunderstood ritual in which ghee is burnt in physical fire to cause pollution through black smoke.
- After hearing (Shravana), thinking and analysis (Manana) is the burning of ghee, which is indicated by grown flames. The heat generated by this is the confirmation or penance (Nididhyaasa).
- Practical donation is the main step of sacrifice, which is to be done through the propagation of knowledge in the world. Knowledge increases by donation. You become more and more pure and pious by the propagation of spiritual knowledge and God’s grace gets associated with You in the form of miraculous powers also to help You.
- You must exclude selfishness in this work of propagation. You need not worry about Yourself and Your family during this work. Due to this work, not only Yourself, Your family members are also graced by God in not only spiritual side (Yoga) but also in worldly side (kshema). Worldly side is very much negligible compare to spiritual side.
- Donation of spiritual knowledge is far better than donation of worldly knowledge and donation of food. Both the latter donations are confined to the present worldly life only. The former is concerned with the soul in all the future lives of the soul.
- Donation of anything must be done to a deserving person only, who helps the world. Donation of money shall be done to such a person, even if he is rich. A bad person, who harms the world, shall not be helped even if he is poor. A serpent served with milk will not only bite the donor, but also others after going away.
- You will be the share holder of good deeds and bad deeds done by Your receiver. Hence, You shall be very careful in discriminating deserving and undeserving receivers of Your donation. No donation is better than doing wrong donation. No donation to deserving and donation to undeserving –both are sins.
- By propagation of spiritual knowledge, You can reform the undeserving souls to become deserving so that the probability of doing sin by donation to undeserving gets reduced very much and this was the situation in ancient times. If undeserving are many, the probability of above sin becomes more as is in the present times. Donating the poor based on mere need is not the final step, which is mere social service leading You to temporary heaven. If You donate spiritual knowledge also to them, they will not misuse Your donation to vices. Hence, social service along with propagation of spiritual knowledge is the final step leading You to the permanent abode of God.
- Don’t think that I am telling all this for the sake of My work. Even without You, My work will not stop. I am assigning this service to You in the interest of Your welfare only. I know very well that no soul will do any sacrifice of work or fruit of work without selfish interest. By doing this service, You will become selfless in due course of time.
- Ego is Duryodhana. Fascination is Dhrutaraashtra. This chariot is the body of the soul, Arjuna. These horses are the senses of the body. I am the driver controlling these horses so that the chariot runs in right direction. Arjuna surrendered fully to Me and I accepted this work after testing him. Arjuna will fight in any place wherever I take him. He will kill anybody on My direction rising above all family-fascinations (Bhishma) and fascination to wrong preachers (Drona). This is the inner sense of this picture in the war that shall be taken by You.
- The stories mentioned in Puraanaas are polluted by several insertions created by atheists. Hanuman is the most pious soul in this creation. His mother, Anjana, is equally pious. The story is polluted by the insertion that she got the son by meeting illegally with the deity called Vaayu (the deity of air). A bright stream of radiations of Lord Shiva came down with the speed of air and entered the pregnant womb of Anjana so that Hanuman is the incarnation of God Shiva. You must filter such insertions introduced by atheists to spoil the faith of theists.
- Arjuna came to fight for the property due to fascination to wealth. After entering the war field, he was attacked by another fascination of own family members to withdraw from war. His intention to fight and to withdraw from the fight were rooted by fascinations only. After hearing the Gita from Me, the entire fascination disappeared and the cause for fighting is only the fascination to Me by which his aim is totally to support justice and destroy the injustice irrespective of worldly fascinations. His activity became Karma Chakra or Dharma Chakra due to My association (Yoga) with him. The sound from My conch shell before war is an indication of this. Don’t do sins even if You don’t do good deeds. Let Me not become angry with You even if I am not pleased with You.
- In Sanskrit language, the words have genders, which are not related to the genders of meanings or items. The word ‘Kalatram’ is in neutral gender, but, means wife in feminine gender. The word ‘Jiivah’ is in masculine gender, which means the soul existing in bodies of both the genders. Without understanding this, people have mistaken this word for soul as the soul present in male body! This word has nothing to do with caste or gender and represents a soul in a living body. The misinterpretations led to the conclusion that only a soul in male body is eligible for the Veda or knowledge. Again, the Veda is limited to the blind recitation of the Vedic text and not limited to the true angle of knowing its spiritual knowledge. Thus, females are forbidden from blind recitation of the Veda. Since this is wrong interpretation applied in wrong way, thank God, females and other castes are not harmed!
- A true scholar understands that My service blessed to him by Me is only the fruit of his devotion and spiritual efforts. An ignorant fellow takes this service as work done by him/her and aspires the fruit in return. In the climax state of devotion, My servant forgets himself/herself and there is no point of aspiration for any fruit. The only one aim of such soul is to please Me without aspiration for any fruit in return. Such devotion or love is found in the parents towards their children, which is the best love. Aspiration for practical fruit in exchange of theoretical devotion only is prostitution love. Aspiration for practical fruit in exchange of practical devotion is business devotion.
- As far as possible, try to involve Yourself in worldly or spiritual fights to support justice or truth and to condemn injustice or falsehood respectively. I will be very much pleased with You. Don’t think that You are incapable. I will bless You with infinite capacity. When Arjuna started to fight the war for supporting justice and destroying injustice, after coming out from the fascinations to wealth and family members, I gave him infinite efficiency to fight in the war. Both worldly Pravrutti and spiritual Nivrutti are My two eyes. Don’t think that if You are not involved, injustice or falsehood will win. Even without Your help through service, I will make the justice or truth to win finally. I am asking to serve so that I can serve You.
- What is the use of these scented flowers and bright lights in My worship. I am the scent of scents and light of lights. You are using these for the sake of Yourself only so that You can be in pleasant state and can see My photo or the prayer book, You read. You can’t aspire any fruit from Me for the service done to Yourself!
- All the items of this creation are just like My thoughts only. You are also just like one of My thoughts only. You being a thought, surrender these thoughts to Me! Of course, all these thoughts are equally real to You and will be useful to test Your true sacrifice for Me. The above flowers and lights are not proof of Your true sacrifice. You are offering the food to My photo. When I come in human form, will You offer the same food to Me, which shall be the true sacrifice?
- If I wish, all these souls will be reformed in a fraction of second without You and this spiritual knowledge. In such case, the chance for You to uplift Yourself is totally lost. As Rama, I can burn Ravana and Sita will stand by My side in a fraction of second. If it was done so, the chance for angels born as monkeys to serve Me would have been totally lost.
- I was worried to build the bridge on sea, which was not in real sense at all. Who is the sea? He is My father-in-law, being the father of Sita or Lakshmi. Will he not help Me in giving the way for the sake of his daughter? The sea didn’t give the way by My will only so that the monkeys will work to construct the bridge in My service, which will help their spiritual progress. When the stones thrown by monkeys were drowning during the effort to construct the bridge, all the monkeys stopped the work. But, a squirrel was continuously pouring some sand particles in the sea for God’s work. The squirrel was blessed by Me since it knows that God’s work will be done under any circumstances and hence, its maximum possible contribution must not be stopped. Keep this squirrel as Your guide in My service.
- In this Kali age, proper understanding is necessary to have right direction in the spiritual efforts. Devotion, sacrifice of work and sacrifice of fruit of work are increasing day-by-day and You need not propagate at all for these. But, all these are in wrong direction, which is the aspiration for some selfish fruit in return. This wrong direction must be removed by propagating right knowledge to give right direction, which is true love in service done without aspiration for any fruit in return. In the wrong direction itself, people are confused that one form of God is better than the other form and one mode of worship is better than another mode. Any form with any mode of worship will give the ultimate eternal fruit, which is the pleasure of God (and not the grace of God as aspired by You), if the direction is correct.
- The soul has plenty of knowledge about the creation and the miraculous powers that bring worldly fame. It is not having so much knowledge about Me. Both these are the reasons for their desires for fruits and for not having real interest on Me. If knowledge about Me is greater than these two reasons, such scholar desires Me only and not any fruit other than Me. Hence, propagate the knowledge about Me so that every soul including Yourself desires Me only.
Eleventh Chapter is completed.
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