Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 26 Mar 2023


English »   Malayalam »  

Some people manage in the office without doing work but with talent of speech. Is this not an injustice?

[Ms. Thrylokya asked: I find some people do not work, but due to their talent in talking earn more money. Some people work very hard, but do not earn due to their lack of communication skills. Is this not injustice?]

Swami replied: Don’t get any tension on this aspect. The omniscient and omnipotent God takes care about such injustice with lightning speed. The first person will lose that sinful money due to some unexpected damages and in addition undergoes a lot of tension. The second person will not face any unexpected damage and lives happily with whatever is granted by God. If this aspect of divine administration of God is known, the second person will not undergo any tension seeing the first person.
