Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 15 Apr 2021


Swami Answers Devotees' Questions

Śrī Anil asked: Pādanamaskāraṃ Swāmi, some questions raised in internet discussion forum is presented below. Please grace Your response to the same. At Your Lotus Divine Feet-anil

1) I am Christian, but I can't help wonder why God didn't send Prophets to other nations other than His chosen people (Israel). Why did He choose a single group of people?

Swāmi replied:- I have already explained elaborately this point several times. The unimaginable God came to all countries from the beginning of creation in various human forms and preached the same spiritual knowledge in different languages following their corresponding cultures.

2) Why does God (Jesus) reveal Himself to certain people only?

[For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother (Matt 12:50). Matt 7:21 says, "Not all who say to Me Lord Lord will not enter the Kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of My Father who is in heaven." What is the Will of God?]

Swāmi replied:- God revealed Himself in different human forms to all the people in every generation. Will of God is to follow justice and reject injustice.

3) Why do most Christians worship Jesus instead of God, the Father?

[If Jesus comes back, how will people know that He is actually Jesus? Will Jesus die in His second coming as well? What is the contribution of Father God in the second coming of Christ?]

Swāmi replied:- God as Father is energetic incarnation and only energetic beings in the upper worlds can worship Him. For humanity, human incarnations are relevant. Jesus said that He will come again but did not say that He will come again in the same human form. He said “I will come again”. Here ‘I’ means the unimaginable God present in Him. He did not say “Jesus will come again”.

4) How are God, the Father and the Holy Spirit the same, yet not the same?

Swāmi replied:- Both are one and the same because both are the energetic incarnations in which the unimaginable God exists. Both differ because Father is in energetic form whereas holy spirit is in formless energy.

5) What is Swarg (Heaven)?

[God creates out of the void & darkness. We are talking about chaos. If God created everything, does that include chaos as well?

And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.” Why wasn't Jesus good? What was the reason Jesus didn't believe He too was good along with God?]

Swāmi replied:- Jesus can be viewed as God or human being. Only very few blessed souls can believe the human incarnation as God and majority believes the human incarnation as human being only. God is good and human being is not good. This is the essence of the words spoken by Jesus.

6) When it is said that you should give up everything and follow God and Jesus Christ, what does it mean?

Swāmi replied:- This is related to the highest stage of spiritual journey and very few devotees can only follow this. This statement shall not be generalized to all devotees.
