Shri Datta Swami

 07 Mar 2025


English »   Malayalam »  

Swami answers question of Shri Anil on Advaita

[Shri Anil asked: Swami, You gave a beautiful counter argument for advaitins who treat ‘Atman’ as God, stating the verse ‘Avajananti mam…’. Will You please elaborate on this?]

Swami replied:- Advaitins believe that the soul in the incarnation is also God just like their souls. Due to such wrong misunderstanding, they do not give any special treatment to the incarnation because they feel that the incarnation is one among them. If you give normal treatment to the person to whom special treatment should be given, such a normal treatment also becomes insult. Sometimes, due to ego and jealousy, these people may also really insult the incarnation. Ordinary people, who are non-advaitins also insult the incarnation due to the same ego and jealousy because they cannot tolerate the incarnation being respected as atleast a greater person if not the greatest. All these people do not understand and digest the concept that the incarnation is a unique personality with both God-component and human being-component merged together. These people also do not know that such merge does not take place in every human being except a specific human being selected by God. Due to the ignorance of both these concepts, they strongly believe that incarnation is just equal to them. When scholars and devotees recognize the incarnation and worship It, all these people are unable to tolerate the specialty of the incarnation by which they are provoked to insult the incarnation.

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