Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 03 Mar 2023


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Swami answers questions by Smt. Lakshmi Lavanya on the epic Mahabharat

1. Why did Arjuna get fear in spite of God coming in human form for him?

[Smt. Lakshmi Lavanya K asked: Namaste Swami. Why did Arjuna get fear in spite of feel happy that God came for him as human when Lord Krishna Showed him Vishwarupam.]

Swami replied:- With the human form of Krishna, everybody was happy including Arjuna. The first energetic form of unimaginable God called God Datta along with all His incarnations and creation appeared as the cosmic vision and Arjuna feared on seeing this vision with climax level of intensive radiations.

2. Why didn't Arjuna completely recognise Krishna as God?

[Why didn't Arjuna recognise Krishna as God even though he saw many miracles including Droupadi Vasthraapaharanam since his childhood and spent so much time with Krishna.]

Swami replied:- In those days, miracles were not having any speciality because several devotees were able to do miracles. Miracles are done even by devotees and even by demons. Only the spiritual knowledge was considered to be the standard identity mark of the incarnation of God. Even after seeing the cosmic vision, Arjuna asked several doubts. Knowledge is very very important because that gives the true direction of the spiritual effort in the case of any soul.

3. Why did Arjuna give preference to Bhishma and Drona, although he knew only Krishna helped them in their suffering?

[Why did Arjuna give preference to Bhishma and Drona although he knew only God Krishna helped them in their sufferings. Why Krishna said that he is Arjuna in Pandavas.]

Swami replied:- Your question appears with a wrong sense that in killing, Arjuna gave preference to kill Krishna than to kill Bhishma and Droona! Bhishma and Drona have to be killed in the war while the former is his grandfather and the latter was his teacher. Krishna has very deep contact with Arjuna because both were sages called Narayana and Nara respectively in the previous birth. This statement shows the climax love of God to Arjuna and doesn’t mean anything else.

4. Why didn't Lord Krishna preach knowledge to Arjuna until the Kurukshetra War?

Swami replied:- There was no need because both were sages previously. Arjuna also acted in the role of an ignorant person and asked doubts as per his role for the sake of the welfare of entire humanity.

5. Why did Arjuna do penance for Lord Shiva although God was before him in human form as Krishna?

Swami replied:- This indicates the defect of human devotees. Human devotees are repelled against the human incarnation due to ego and jealousy based on repulsion between common human media. A human devotee is always attracted to energetic incarnations like God Shiva due to the attraction between two different media (Shiva is an energetic form and Arjuna is a human form).

6. Why did God test Arjuna in the form of Shiva but not Vishnu?

[In the next birth of Arjuna as Kannappa, why did God test him in the form of statue (Shivalingam) and in the form of Siva and not of Vishnu. Thank You Swami.]

Swami replied:- Arjuna worshipped God Shiva in the previous birth for the sake of attaining the most powerful Paashupataastra and hence, his worship was based on aspiration for fruit. In the next birth, as the hunter Kannappa, he was tested by God Shiva in Nivrutti path in which there was no aspiration for any fruit from God. In the next birth, Arjuna was purified due to the path of Nivrutti. Afterwards Arjuna was born as Vivekaananda and continued with the doubt on human incarnation. In the last moments, Vivekaananda recognized Paramahamsa as the human incarnation of God and got the ultimate salvation. It should be noted that in the final birth of Vivekaananda, he did the climax level of karma yoga. He propagated the spiritual knowledge in the entire world (karma samnyasa). He also did karma phala tyaga by sacrificing all the funds earned by him through his divine speeches for the divine mission of Shri Ramkrishna Paramahamsa.
