Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 15 Aug 2023


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Swami answers questions of Shri Anil

1. Swami, You told that Your father brainwashed You to not worship God Datta. Please elaborate this.

[Shri Anil asked: Padanamaskaram Swami, With respect to the Satsanga held on 12/08/2023 kindly give Your responses to the following questions.-At Your divine Lotus feet-anil. Swami, You told that Your father brainwashed You to not worship God Datta. Please elaborate this.]

Swami replied:- You already came across such experience while Jesus was saying that unless one leaves the worldly bonds, one can’t be His disciple. Same is the context in the brain wash done by My father. My father was fearing that I may be dropping worldly bonds in which his bond was one. It was quite natural regarding the fear of My father. But, here the point is that I am not dropping the worldly bonds because they themselves are dropped out when I taste God Datta. There is no interference of God at all and there is no effort whatsoever from My side also in this issue. It is a spontaneous drop out of worldly drinks, when you taste divine nectar. Since it is a spontaneous drop out, neither the divine nectar nor yourself should be blamed in any angle.

2. “If you touch God Datta, you will become ash. Don’t touch God Datta. Please elaborate this.

Swami replied:- If you drink divine nectar, you are liberated from the worldly bonds spontaneously. Such liberation is liberation from worries and miseries of the world. Not only this benefit, since the liberation happened spontaneously due to immersion in the devotion to God, the bliss of devotion is another benefit. This state of double benefit is represented by ash because ash is eternal since it can’t be oxidized further. Salvation from worldly bonds and union with God (Yoga) are also eternal.

3. Swami, You are pained when people say “Datta Chinnam”. Please elaborate this.

Swami replied:- I am not pained because I know its real meaning. If you approach God Datta, the first energetic incarnation, which is the mediated unimaginable God, these illusory worldly bonds disappear like darkness on the rise of Sun in the world. Is there any fool in this world to feel pain when the darkness is destroyed by Sun? Therefore, ordinary souls getting pained due to the destruction (Chinnam) of darkness by  Sunlight are certainly and certainly fools.

4. Why did Jesus say that those who want to follow Him has to hate one’s father, mother, children and one’s own life?

[Datta never said to leave worldly bonds for Him. Then why Jesus told those who want to follow Him had to hate one’s father, mother, children and one’s own life?]

Swami Replied:- The final meaning of God Datta as well as Jesus is one and the same because both are one and the same. Jesus is giving the information in advance so that nobody can blame Him. The statement on Dattam Chinnam also means the same advanced information.
