Shri Datta Swami

 01 Jan 2025


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Swami answers questions of Shri Anil

O Learned and Devoted Servants of God

[Shri Anil asked:-]

1. What is the reason for so much of compatibility between Christianity and Hinduism?

Swami replied:- Jesus Christ came to Himalayas in India during His missing period and interacted with several spiritual Sages due to which His spiritual knowledge came near to the spiritual knowledge of Hinduism.

2. Will God Datta take birth in Islam for propagation of knowledge?

Swami replied:- God Datta called as Father of Heaven has already taken incarnation in Islam as Prophet Muhammad. The Father of Heaven belongs to the entire earth and in fact belongs to the entire creation. He can become human incarnation in any religion on this earth whenever necessary.

3. Is there any compatibility between Hinduism and Islam?

[There is already a compatibility between Islam and Christianity. However, there seems to be not much compatibility between Hinduism and Islam. What is Your opinion on this?]

Swami replied:- The philosophy of Madhva resembles the philosophy of Islam. In both Hinduism and Islam, God and soul are always different. The human incarnation means messenger only in both religions. Soul is servant of God in both religions.

4. Can You please elaborate on Your replies to the devotees, who criticized Krishna as a mere statue?

[Swami, can You please elaborate Your replies to the female devotees, who criticized Lord Krishna as a mere statue and stated that Gopikas suffered a lot for His sake.]

Swami replied:- Suffering for the sake of God is the test of God about the strength of devotion of the devotee. We criticize God on seeing these serious tests, but, we do not see the fruit obtained by the devotee later on. Gopikas reached Goloka, the newly created world, which is above the abode of God. We on the earth see only the story on the earth and we do not see the highest energetic world called Goloka.

5. Is the incarnation entertained by putting self-ignorance or by the gifted reality of the world?

[When God comes in human form, does He entertain Himself by putting self-ignorance on Him or gets entertained due to the gifted reality of world?]

Swami replied:- Self-ignorance is used by God to forget Himself so that He can enjoy the real entertainment. God is already absolute reality. Only His medium is relatively real. The absolute reality of God is gifted to the world, which means that the medium of God is also gifted with this absolute reality. Hence, the medium is also relatively real like the world because medium is a part of the world. Both these points are different from each other.


6. Did Jesus have direct brothers from Mother Mary and Joseph?

[Some say that Jesus had direct brothers from Mother Mary and Joseph. Others claim that Jesus’s Mother Mary remained a virgin. Requesting Your kind clarification on this.]

Swami replied:- It is unnecessary to know the details of others except Jesus. Jesus is the human incarnation of the unimaginable God. We have to concentrate on the human incarnation of God for our salvation and not on other human beings, which are like us.

7. What is the obstacle for an ordinary devotee to see the Aatma Lingam?

[With regards to Your miracle of showing Aatma Lingam to Shri Phani Kumar, if an ordinary devotee also wants to experience that miracle, what will be the obstacle?]

Swami replied:- This miracle happened by the will of the Father of Heaven (God Datta). The deservingness of the devotee in the eyes of God Datta is important in this matter.

8. When Krishna was God Himself, why did He take Arjuna to the upper world for Paashupataastra from God Shiva?

Swami replied:- It is the divine drama, which is also like the ordinary drama in which the actors play their roles keeping themselves within the limits of the roles. If Krishna is shown as the Almighty, the devotees of God Shiva get pained. In fact, the same actor is playing both roles of Krishna and Shiva. By this, the actor is neither rewarded nor insulted. You cannot say that one God is insulted and the other God is honored because both Gods (roles) are one and the same God (actor).

9. What is the Kantakashani period of 2.5 years in astrology? How to counter this period?

Swami replied:- Kantakashani means the period of 2.5 years in which the planet Saturn (Shani) stays in one zodiac especially the zodiacs, which are the 12th, 1st and 2nd from the birth zodiac (lagna). The total period of these three zodiacs is 7.5 yrs. If Saturn is in 7th or 8th zodiacs (5 years) also, the Saturn is called as Kantakashani. Saturn harms in such periods. One can counter this period by worshipping God Hanuman.

10. Please explain the following verse.

[Swami, please explain the verse: “Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God”. – Romans 8.8]

Swami replied:- Flesh means materialistic level. Spiritual level is quite opposite to materialistic worldly life (Dūramete… Veda). God belongs to spiritual life. Both the lives are opposite like north and south poles.

11. Please explain the following verse.

[Swami, please explain the verse: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these. – Mark 12:31]

Swami replied:- Your neighbour is your inevitable nearest person and you have no choice in selecting the neighbour. You have the choice in selecting a friend. Therefore, you must always be friendly with your neighbour since there is no choice.

12. Please explain the following verse.

[Swami, please explain the verse: You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. – John 13:13]

Swami replied:- Lord is the goal of spiritual effort. Teacher is the guide in the spiritual effort. If both goal and guide are God, such a divine preacher is the ultimate God Himself and the disciple of such divine preacher is very fortunate. Generally, a devotee reaches God with the help of the teacher. But, here, the devotee first reached God and comes to know that He is God with the help of His teaching.

13. Please explain the following verse.

[Swami, please explain the verse: For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for Me and for the gospel will save it. - Mark 8:35]

Swami replied:- This means that the human beings interested in their lives will undergo death, which means the loss of protection from God. The devotees sacrificing their lives for the sake of God save their lives, which means that they gain protection from God.

14. Please elaborate Your following statement.

[“For ordinary people, their deeds are their husbands, but, for devotees, God is their husband”. Kindly elaborate Your statement.]

Swami replied:- Here, the word ‘husband’ means the leading force. A devotee is led by God in both worldly as well as spiritual life. Other ordinary human beings are led by the fruits of their past deeds. God always leads the devotees in right direction. The fruits of deeds lead the ordinary people as per their nature, which means that the fruits of sins will lead in a wrong path (if there is no hope of reformation of the soul) and the fruits of merits will lead in the right path.

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