24 Mar 2025
1. Please give the essence of the following Hadiths.
[Shri Anil asked: Swami, few hadith verses are given below. I request You to give the essence to be learned from it. At Your Lotus Divine Feet-anil. "The son of Adam does not fill any vessel worse than his stomach. It is sufficient for the son of Adam to eat a few mouthfuls to keep his spine straight. But if he must fill it, then one third for his food, one third for his drink and one third for his breath." (Ibn Majah 3349)]
Swami replied:- This explains the selfishness of the human being. The Hadith recommends to fill only 1/3rd of the stomach with food, another 1/3rd should be kept for water and and the last 1/3rd for breath. Similarly, in Hindu Yoga scripture, it is recommended that we must fill only half (1/2) of the stomach with food, another 1/4th must be kept for water and the last 1/4th must be vacant for breath.
[Allah wrote the destinies of creation fifty thousand years before creating the heavens and earth." (Muslim 2653)]
Swami replied:- God is omniscient and knows all the future.
["Whoever eats seven dates of Medina in the morning, no poison will harm him until evening." (Bukhari 5445)]
Swami replied:- This shows the holy power of God’s abode.
["Treat women kindly, for woman was created from a rib, and the most curved part of a rib is its uppermost part. If you try to straighten it, you will break it; and if you leave it alone, it will remain curved." (Bukhari 5184)]
Swami replied:- This means that women are not straight in their behavior. It is inevitable and excusable since women stand as physically weak gender unlike physically strong males. Women are forced to be not straight under these special circumstances, which are that they are weak physically and have to cooperate with strong males.
["During your sleep, satan ties three knots at the back of your head. He recites over each knot: 'The night is long, so keep sleeping.'" (Bukhari 1142)]
Swami replied:- Satan is famous for the ignorance of truth. The sleep stands for the ignorance of God.
["People have been decreasing in stature since the creation of Adam, and they will continue to decrease until the Hour." (Bukhari 3326)]
Swami replied:- The moral standards keep falling from the beginning of Kruta Yuga till the last Kali yuga.
["In the black seed is healing for every disease except death." (Bukhari 5687)]
Swami replied:- With the worldly scientific medical knowledge, every disease is curable except the last death.
["When you hear the crowing of roosters, ask Allah for His bounty, for they have seen an angel. When you hear the braying of a donkey, seek refuge in Allah from satan, for it has seen a devil." (Bukhari 3303)]
Swami replied:- In Pravrutti, both heaven and hell are described as angel and devil. Both are in the same worldly life representing merit and sin respectively.
["And both of His (Allah’s) hands are right hands." (Sunan an-Nasa'i 5379)]
Swami replied:- Both right and left hands of God are right (upholding the righteous justice) only.
["The Prophet used to deliver sermons while standing beside a trunk of a date-palm. When He had the pulpit (platform for sermon) made, He used it instead. The trunk started crying..." (Bukhari 3583)]
Swami replied:- When people start supporting the Prophet during His preaching, they develop ego that they are the supporters of the divine preachers. But, when God starts supporting the divine preacher, the human supporters lose their ego and become sad for their past behavior.
["I will be the first to rise from the grave on the Day of Resurrection, but I will not say this to boast..." (Muslim 2278)]
Swami replied:- This means that the individual soul of the human form in human incarnation exists to rise from the grave. With such individual soul, the God-component will merge once again as usual. This message is hidden in this statement, which is very important.
[“In the body, there is a piece of flesh which, if it becomes good (reformed), the whole body becomes good; but if it becomes corrupt, the whole body becomes corrupt. That piece of flesh is the heart.” (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 47)]
Swami replied:- Heart is the place of the emotional mind that influences decisions to a great extent.
[“The Hour will not be established until the people of the desert grow in number, and the shepherds of the desert will compete in constructing tall buildings.” (Sahih Muslim, Hadith 305)]
Swami replied:- This means that God will be very much pleased if the poorest beggars are patronized with food, good health and good shelter.
[“On the Day of Judgment, the people will be in a state of distress and will seek intercession from the Prophets. They will go to Adam, Noah, Ibrahim, Musa, Isa, and then finally to Muhammad, who will ask Allah for permission to intercede.” (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 234)]
Swami replied:- On the day of judgement, intervention in the matter may be possible in worldly matters. They may approach higher authorities in the last hour. God will do the favor if the soul is really reformed even in the last hour. But, the reformation will not come suddenly. It comes only by long practice done in the entire life when present on earth.
[“The world and all things in the world are precious, but the most precious thing in the world is a righteous woman.” (Sahih Muslim, Hadith 3463)]
Swami replied:- Mother is the primary preacher for a soul from the childhood and she is very precious.
[“Whoever fasts Ramadan with faith and hope of reward, his past sins will be forgiven.” (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 125)]
Swami replied:- Here, fasting means to become very close devotee of God through true devotion and it does not mean foregoing food for some time and eat double later on!
[The keys of the unseen are five. No one knows them except Allah.” (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 4)]
Swami replied:- The five senses of knowledge of the soul are the five locks. Mind (awareness) is their key present with the soul with which they are opened by the soul itself. The works done by these five senses will be diverted to God, if the true love to God acting as the divine key is used. This divine key will work with the grace of God only. One key applied to one lock looks like as its specific key and hence, five keys are told.
[“My intercession will be for those of my followers who have committed major sins.” (Sahih Muslim, Hadith 349)]
Swami replied:- God will not be rigid in seeing minor sins through a microscope. Minor sin means that the other side is not practically affected. The other side suffers only when it is practically damaged. The sins done by mental imagination are minor sins, which are punished only by oral warnings since the other person is not practically hurt.
[“The best form of Jihad is to speak a word of justice in front of an unjust ruler.” (Sunan Abu Dawood, Hadith 2501)]
Swami replied:- Jihad truly means to fight for the establishment of justice and destruction of injustice. Before doing Jihad, you must speak to the other side about the proof of such justice by way of scripture and logical analysis (since scripture may be wrong due to some insertions done by wrong clever people).
[“The just ruler will be in the shade of Allah’s throne on the Day when there will be no shade except His.” (Sahih Muslim, Hadith 4573)]
Swami replied:- The soul is told as ‘shade’ here. If the soul is a perfect devotee of God, it will be merged in the shade of the throne of God. Here, throne means truth and justice.
[“On the Day of Judgment, the sun will be brought close to the creation, and the people will sweat according to their deeds.” (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 47)]
Swami replied:- The Sun means God in the form of King of hell. The soul in its energetic body will fear as per the intensity of its sin.
[“Whoever loves for the sake of Allah, hates for the sake of Allah, gives for the sake of Allah, and withholds for the sake of Allah, has perfected his faith.” (Sunan Abu Dawood, Hadith 4665)]
Swami replied:- A perfectly devoted soul loves good for the sake of God and hates bad for the sake of God. For the sake of God only, the soul follows this principle without deviation. The soul does not love good to get heaven and does not hate sin to avoid hell. The love and hatred of the soul are for the sake of its faith and devotion for God only.
[“Every servant will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment according to their intentions.” (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith 1)]
Swami replied:- The intention decides the fruit of a deed and not the inert deed by itself.
[“If Allah gives you something good, be grateful; and if He withholds something from you, do not be ungrateful.” (Sunan Ibn Majah, Hadith 309)]
Swami replied:- The soul shall not link its devotion for the aspiration of any fruit in return from God.
[“The difference between us and them (the disbelievers) is prayer; whoever abandons it has committed kufr (disbelief).” (Sunan Ibn Majah, Hadith 2531)]
Swami replied:- The theist believes in the existence of God and prays God. The atheist does not believe in the existence of God and hence, doesn’t pray God.
[“None of you truly believes until I am more beloved to him than his father, his child, and all of mankind.” (Sahih Bukhari, Book 2, Hadith 13)]
Swami replied:- True belief is based on true love to God when all the worldly bonds are spontaneously dropping out.
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