Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 22 Jun 2023


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Swami answers questions of Shri Surya

1. Is it possible to achieve Brahma Loka without completely overcoming common medium repulsion?

[Surya asked: If a devotee, who is in the service of the incarnation, does not overcome common medium repulsion completely, constant physical association with the incarnation is not given. Such a devotee may not get Brahma Loka also because if the devotee is given Brahma Loka, the devotee will face the same problem there also. Am I correct or not?]

Swami replied:- This question may apply to some other devotee and not to you. You will reside in Brahma Loka along with Parabrahman’s first energetic incarnation. Be sure of this.

2. Can we also say that such devotee sadhana is still not complete?

Swami replied:- Unless one overcomes repulsion between common media, it is inevitable that it hinders the completeness of sadhana or human effort.
