Shri Datta Swami

 26 Sep 2024


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Swami answers questions of Smt. Priyanka

1. Will the treating of belief as knowledge lead to blind faith?

[Smt. Priyanka asked: (Question regarding blind faith) Padanamaskaram Swami,

A discussion came up between me and an agnostic person which led to the person questioning me about the authority of spiritual knowledge, faith, etc. When I told about the Vedas being the authority and how the sages carefully passed it on, I was told that I have blind faith in my beliefs and do not seek real knowledge, which is based on evidential proof. The person further went on to say how faith begins where knowledge ends and most often knowledge even blocks faith. He added that faith itself implies lack of proof and said that if I have proof, I don't need faith...[Click here to read the detailed question→]

Swami replied:- Nobody is asking you to believe the scripture with blind faith. Analyze the scripture with perfect logic and in such analysis, give importance to perception also. You have several miracles in the world. Refer to the recent running miracle in Shri Satya Sai District, Hindupuram, A.P, India (Refer YouTube). From a small statue, infinite quantity of water is flowing. Start your research about the spiritual field from a practical example. Build the necessary logical theory around the practical concept. There is no need of any superstition or falsity. Science demands that we should be able to repeat the same miracle. If you can repeat, it is an example of scientific phenomenon only. Since you are unable to repeat, we say that something beyond the scientific logic exists. The Godmen performing such miracles must also be taken into consideration regarding the explanations related to unimaginable God performing unimaginable events called miracles. This is the humble beginning and beyond this, there is lot of subject to be developed to get the grace of God. Things would have been more worse in the absence of religion, the controlling force of the present mad brain. You have to see the picture in the reverse side. The poor are not killing the rich only because of the fear for God.

2. How to answer someone who says, ‘Don’t discuss spiritual topics with children, which will make them less ambitious in worldly life’?

[Question on stopping children from spiritual knowledge: Padanamaskaram Swami,

I was asked to stop explaining spiritual knowledge to my children by showing them serials like Ramayana, etc., or by reading them spiritual books or exposing them to singing bhajans because according to this family member, it will divert the children from focusing on academic achievements which is crucial for this age. I was told that it would convert them into ambition-less people in the future if I focused so much on God from a young age...[Click here to read the detailed question→]

Swami replied:- Ambition is built up in every human being and lots of tons and tons of ambition accumulates in every human being. This ambition will lead to wrong ways resulting in terrible misery. Any amount of spiritual knowledge is good to develop good life based on justice and fear for God. Even if you teach mountains of spiritual knowledge, they become small dust particles to dry up the oceans of ambition. Spiritual knowledge brings God’s grace so that everything is within limits for a happy and peaceful worldly life. Ambition gives only dangerous overgrowth like the cancerous cells, which shortly put off the life-light!

3. How should I answer someone who says to restrict my spiritual activities, which can be carried out in old age and think about family life for the present?

[Question on stopping children from spiritual knowledge: Padanamaskaram Swami,

I am presenting an argument that happened between me and another family member regarding my spiritual activities...[Click here to read the detailed question→]

Swami replied:- You should not enter into conflict with your family members. You should satisfy them in their tone and keep your devotion secret so that you can proceed in your spiritual efforts confidentially as far as possible. In fact, such opposition to spiritual side will increase your speed more and more like a culvert stopping the flow of water for sometime to enhance the speed of flow of water in a very short time. The anxiety about such worry is a good sign of your devotion. Sage Naarada says that such anxiety seen in the presence of opposing forces is a very good sign for devotion. In the absence of such opposing force, you will not get such terrible speed of devotion. Whatever God does, it is always done in your favour only. Materialism will not develop by your fascination towards materialism. If you run after the materialism, it will run away from you like the shadow present in the sunlight before you. If you turn opposite to the shadow and walk towards God (Sun), the materialism (shadow) will run after you like a mad dog. In this point, people are misled completely. People becoming mad after materialism will be born like animals and birds, which always run after earning the food throughout every minute of their lives!

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