Shri Datta Swami

 18 Jun 2024


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What are the components of the human incarnation of God?

[Smt. Chhanda asked: In the case of Parashurama, can we say there are four components like i) pure awareness, ii) individual soul, iii) physical body and iv) God? But, in case of Lord Rama, the individual soul component is not present as it was a new case. Is this correct Swami? Do they vary from incarnation to incarnation?]

Swami replied:- Pure awareness may exist in the state of meditation that can be reached by any human being with some effort. Once the individual soul enters the womb, the pure awareness merges (present in the embryo) with the individual soul and the individual soul is strengthened. Pure awareness does not exist once the individual soul is present because it merges with the individual soul strengthening the thoughts of the individual soul. Individual soul (awareness), physical body (matter) and inert energy (generated from food) by which all the systems of the body function are the three components in any human being. The fourth component called God exists in the selected human being after becoming an incarnation. But, the fourth component merges homogenously with the human being so that you cannot isolate God from the human being (antarbahiśca…- Veda) and hence, even the incarnation can be treated as a three component-single phase system. Here, the total human being is assumed as the single phase because its three components are inter-convertible and the final form is only the single inert energy. This is like a single-phase eutectic alloy or solid solution in which three metals (components) are homogenously mixed (You can get more clarification from your husband, Dr. Soumyadip Mondal, who is a Ph.D. in Metallurgy.).

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