Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 29 Jun 2024


What is the way to control watching movies so that one can divert to God?

[Ms. Thrylokya asked:- Swami, my friends say that they are unable to control to see the movies in the TV. What is the way to control this so that they can divert themselves to God?]


Swami replied:- (i) It is better to see the devotional cinemas based on God or based on life histories of devotees so that devotion increases directly. This is equal to reading the Shrimad Bhagavatam regarding the Gopikas and God Krishna. (ii) There are some movies, which are social but God enters in a human form with present modern dress to lead the story as the hero. If you see these pictures, your devotion to the contemporary human incarnation will increase and this is also a direct development of devotion. Seeing such type of movies is equal to reading the Mahaabhaaratam in which God Krishna (human incarnation) is the hero. (iii) There are some pictures, which are completely based on social stories of ordinary human souls. In these pictures, God does not appear at all and some human hero will be leading the story. In such movies, it is inevitable to show the hero extremely good following justice and condemning  injustice. While seeing such movies, if the spectator can think that God is supporting that hero so that justice always wins and injustice is defeated, such thinking becomes related to God to develop devotion on God. The understanding about God that He always supports justice and destroys injustice gets strengthened. (iv) There are some movies, which end in the tragic destruction of good hero or good heroine. While seeing such movies, one shall think that the fruits of past sins have given forcible results in this life. By this, one shall think that he/she shall not do any sin so that the future birth may not become a tragedy. This type of understanding strengthens the reluctance to do injustice in the present birth since its fruit must be enjoyed in the next birth with a lot of accumulated interest. (v) There are certain movies (or certain scenes in every cinema) in which a high romance is exhibited between the hero and the heroine. One can see these movies or scenes in the angle of sweet devotion (Madhura Bhakti) between a soul like Gopika and the human incarnation like God Krishna. The union between soul and God is based on dualism (Dvaita) by which both become very close to each other (Saayujyam).

In this way, you can direct the quality of kaama (sex) towards God, which is based on devotion and not based on hormonal provoked lust. Such romance based on devotion results when the spectator thinks the heroine as the Gopika (a sage, who did penance for millions of births for God) and the hero as God Krishna, the human incarnation. However, if the spectator sees the romance between a human hero and a human heroine, it is based on hormonal provoked lust only that leads to hell. Hence, the angle of intention can take you to the highest level or to the lowest level. You have to see a cinema by changing your angle towards the spiritual side.

By following these concepts in all these types of movies, one will certainly be in spiritual line only and not in worldly line. All the movies are categorized as the above mentioned five types. In this explanation, the basic concept is that nothing is good or bad by itself since any concept becomes good if you turn it towards its good phase (God and justice) and any concept becomes bad if you turn it towards its bad phase (world and injustice).
