Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 07 Aug 2021


What is the good side of seriousness and how to divert it to God?

[Ms. Bhanu Samykya asked: Swāmi, God is said to love 'Līlā Vinodam' i.e., 'sportive playfulness'. But most of the time, I'm very serious and not playful. This makes me assume that I am not entertaining God much. What is the good side of seriousness and how to divert it to God? What is the bad side of seriousness that I have to let go? And what is that playful attitude that God loves? Does a soul need to be playful to entertain God? Or is playfulness required only to get entertainment from the world without getting 100% involvement in the world?]

Swāmi Replied:- Love is in two stages:- 1) Śraddhā or interest, 2) Unmāda or madness. In the 1st stage, there is playfulness of God. But, in the 2nd stage, it is very very serious. God will not play in the 2nd stage. Both these stages are good in the Nivṛtti (Spiritual) line. Any one of these two stages is useless in Pravṛtti (worldly) line. These two stages in Nivṛtti are like drinking water and drinking milk in the awaken state. These two stages in Pravṛtti are like drinking water and drinking milk in dream state. Anything connected with God gains truth in it. Anything connected with the world is without truth. Nostradamus said that the great genius, a scientist-cum-scholar in the Vedas will come to bring Universal Spirituality from a part of country surrounded by 3 oceans. Do you know what these three oceans are?:- 1) Ocean with tsunami waves only without normal waves (devotees enjoying with God only neglecting the world completely). 2) Ocean with normal waves and with tsunami waves rising now and then (worldly people-cum-devotees. 3) Ocean with normal waves only without any tsunami wave (only worldly people). 1st ocean is the best, 2nd ocean is good and 3rd ocean is the worst.
