Shri Datta Swami

Posted on: 22 Aug 2021


What knowledge is to be preached to children i.e., about Pravritti alone or Nivritti also?

[Ms. Thryloka asked: When a parent wants to teach it's kids about God, should they teach about Pravritti alone or should they include the concepts of Nivritti also?]

Swami replied:- It depends on the mental setup (qualities) of the child. Pravrutti is already mixed with initial stage of Nivrutti and hence, you can never isolate Nivrutti from Pravrutti. Of course, the atheists are unaware of the Nivrutti mixed with Pravrutti. If they are unaware, it does not mean that Nivrutti is absent in Pravrutti. If somebody thinks that air is only carbon dioxide and no oxygen exists, it is only the illusion of such ignorant person. Hence, Nivrutti based Pravrutti is to be taught generally. However, the child may be oriented to Nivrutti based on its mental setup (samskara) of previous births like the case of Prahlada. In such case, the little Nivrutti existing in Pravrutti is sufficient to blast the soul with love to God. Pure Nivrutti is generally misunderstood even by the devotees of God. The 12 Gopikas, who were given the highest Goloka by God Krishna were commented by general devotees in that time as the ‘dirty dozen’! Later on, the realization came to such devotees even during the time of death and when they went to hell, they fully realized the purity of 12 Gopikas through the special vision of Goloka given to them by God Krishna. But, all this was late. Somehow, the realized devotees were protected in due course of time since it is better to be late at least than never!

All the Pravrutti belongs to the earth only and everything (worldly bonds) dissolves in this mud pond (worldly life) only without accompanying the soul. Only the Nivrutti devotion accompanies the soul from birth to birth. Hence, it is always the best to give stress on Nivrutti only as far as possible because Pravrutti gets attached to the soul in natural way like the mud gets attached to the person fallen in the mud pond. There is no need of preaching much about Pravrutti alone. Even if Pravrutti is taught, it should be mixed with Nivrutti only because pure Pravrutti will not help the soul at least to lead a correct life in Pravrutti. Unless Nivirutti based Pravrutti is preached, there will not be discipline and justice in Pravrutti without which the ultimate goal is hell only and not at least heaven, leave about the ultimate abode of God.
