Shri Datta Swami

 18 Mar 2025


Why do You encourage using the decorated photos of You rather than live photos on the website?

[Shri Durgaprasad asked: Paadanamaskaaram Swami, Why do You encourage to use the decorated photos of You rather than live photos in the website and social media? At Your lotus feet, -Durgaprasad]

Swami replied:- Instead of displaying My personal photos, I always encourage to display My decorated photos as Gods and Goddesses for developing devotion towards God in the hearts of devotees. Another point is that all the photos of various divine forms of God are developed on My single photo only to mean that the God existing in all the divine forms is one only. If My attitude is to project My personal beauty, I should have encouraged My personal live photos. My intention is to protect the beauty of God through various divine forms. You thought that I am projecting My personality through these decorated photos. You also think that My personality will not be projected if My personal live photos are exhibited. But, the concept is reversed in both ways. The real concept is that if I encourage My personal photos, I will be projecting My personality with ego and self-propagation and if I encourage the decorated photos, I am projecting the personality of God in various divine forms, which is propagation of God. A cinema hero will propagate his personal photos so that he will be selected as hero in cinemas with higher remuneration. I am propagating the personality of God so that I will be selected by God as one of His climax devotees with full salvation from the worldly bonds.


Several devotees believe Me to be the incarnation of God Datta because God Datta merged with Me in Shrishailam. The very next day, a wonderful miracle was exhibited by God Datta through Me, which is the incident with Shri Swami Narendra. I am also forced to believe that I am the incarnation of God Datta since I experienced the process of merge clearly. In such case, all the decorated photos stand for the concept that God Datta is in all the divine forms. From the view point of this concept also, the decorated photos are proper. If I am not the incarnation of God Datta, even in this possibility also, I demonstrated this concept of God Datta being present in all divine forms as an actor demonstrating a spiritual concept in a film.

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